Chapter 1- Untrue

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Edited: More detail, more dialogue.

Your first year at college wasn't really eventful. You went to classes everyday and avoided as much conversation as you could. Undergraduates weren't very accepted and were often teased by the graduates.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Jeno growled as he shoved you; causing you to trip over yourself.

"Hey, Jeno! How come you don't get your head out of your ass and watch where YOU'RE going?!" you exclaimed. He turned around and walked to your face.

"Whatcha say, babe?" he asked; his nose twitching. You had dated Jeno for two weeks on your first month at college to make you feel better. It didn't go well since:

A. you didn't like him.

B. he was the biggest douche bag you had ever met.

C. he only wanted you for your body.

"I told you to get your head out of your ass, or are you too stupid to understand what I said?" you asked; twisting your head to the side.

"Watch yourself, I wouldn't like for such a pretty girl like you to get hurt. Girls get cut real quick around here," he whispered into your ear.

"Fuck off," you said as you shoved him away. He growled and attempted to come near you. His friend held him back. Jeno always had friends with him, this one was new. They called him Suga. You didn't know his real name, though. Nobody did. 

"Man, I think we should go," he said as he gave a deadly stare to Jeno. They walked off and you held your breath. 

You leaned down and picked up your textbooks. When you looked up, you saw Suga in front of you again. 

"I apologize for him. A bit of a morning drunk, really. I'm Suga, and you are..?" he asked.

"I'm... Not interested in becoming one of your famous side chicks," you answered as you tried to walk away. He grabbed your shoulder.

"You're fun. I'm having a party at my dorm today at 9pm. Usually there's a 'no freshmen allowed' rule, but since Jeno was giving you a hard time, I just wanted to make up for it," Suga said coolly.

"Again... Not interested," you responded in a low voice.

"Well, let's hope you put that attitude aside for tonight. See you at nine," he said as he winked and walked away.

What the flipppp???! 

You groaned and headed to the library. That's the only place you got peace in.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jeon," you greeted the librarian. 

"Good morning, Y/N-ah," she waved from the desk. You sat down on the table nearest to her and immediately dived into your textbook. 

"Rumor has it that the graduates are hosting a party tonight, will you be attending?" she asked you.

"Yeah, normally I shouldn't be able to go. I got invited by the campus sex god, Suga," you responded sarcastically; looking up from your textbook. 

"Will you go?" Mrs. Jeon asked; looking at you from over her computer screen.

"No, I don't think I should," you muttered; fiddling with your fingers. Mrs. Jeon sighed and got up from her chair. She walked over to you and sat down across from you.

"Normally, I shouldn't tell a student to go. Those parties are insane dangerous. But, if I have to be honest, I met my husband there and I don't regret going. You won't either. Plus, that's where all the cute guys go. Have you seen my son? He's beautiful just like his father. Have fun girl! Let your party animal loose," she encouraged you.

"What if I do something stupid?" you ask.

"The kids will be too drunk to remember," Mrs. Jeon teased, "I suggest you get home to get ready," she continued.

"I guess I'll do it. YOLO, right?" you laughed nervously. The older woman giggled and put her hand up.

"YOLO," she repeated as she high fived you. You thanked her before skipping out of the library. You headed to your dorm and found Sereum in the room sleeping. You went over and picked out an outfit. A black dress with black heels.

You and Sereum weren't close friends. But, you tolerated each other.

You hurried into the shower and debated on how you'd do your hair. You curled the tips of your hair and left it loose.

You did your makeup with dark, nude shades. Your lips were a dark red and you wore a thin silver necklace.

You checked the time... 8:30pm. You sighed and chilled on your couch. You scrolled through social media for a while until finally the clock stuck 9pm. 

You got up and began to walk across campus to the party. With a deep breath, you walked into the dorm filled with loud booms of music and laughter.

Here we go. 

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