Chapter 5- Trail

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Heavily edited: Storyline shifted. Detail added.

You sat on your bed reading a braille book that Bre had brought to you. It had been a year and you were getting used to being blind now. You learned to walk with a cane, and how to read braille. You became independent and only needed Breann for some occasions.

You traced your finger along the book and laughed when it told a joke. You heard a tap on your dorm room and stood up. You opened the door.

"Hey," said a familiar male voice.

"What do you want, Suga?" you asked irritably.

",We haven't talked in a while. I've been busy. But, to make it up to you. Party tonight at 9pm. My dorm," He said.

"You know what happened last time I went to one of your damn parties," you answered angrily.

"What happened last time wasn't my fault," he said and you felt a finger trace down your right arm, "Maybe you'll have more fun at this party," he continued and his finger fell onto your hand.

"Suga-" you began to say before he placed his finger over your lip. You felt him lean in and whisper, "Please?"

You wanted to run, hide, scream, or kiss him. Wait... That's not right. You literally couldn't have thought that.

"Is this a sick joke? Do you really want to get with a blind girl?" you wanted to ask... But instead, you said, "O-okay..."

You felt him get off you and leave. You closed the door and walked over to your bed. You threw yourself on the bed and screamed into a pillow.

"Mate, you okay there?" you heard somebody ask. You jumped up and realized you didn't hear the door open. It was Bre.

Your old roommate dropped out of college because all she wanted to do was sleep. So, Breann moved in with you.

"How many times have I told you-" you began to scold, "Forget it. What do you want, hoe?" you asked as you sat up.

"I came back to get my sweater and I saw Suga come in here," she answered.

"I said I'd go to his party," you sighed.

"Damn, girl. Are you ready for that?" she asked as she sat next to you.


"Alright... If you need me, I'll be on a date," Bre announced as she stood up.

"A DATE?!" you squealed.


"With who?! Is it your lover boyyy? What's his name?" you asked, dying of curiosity.

"If you MUST know... It's... Jeon Jungkook," she answered and you nearly fell off the bed from being shook.

"GIRL HE'S HOT!" you yelled. That was also the librarian's son. Breann loves reading and Jungkook. This was the full package for her.

"YES I KNOW!" Bre yelled back. You stood up and went to her. She taught you that you could find where a person is by feeling the temperature. Wherever it's hotter, there's a person there. You hugged her yet she was still taller than you.

You remembered not liking her. She came off a bit too much at the beginning but she grew on you. She became your roommate and best friend. She wasn't your guide anymore, but you needed her.

"I have to gooooo," she said as she pulled away from your bear hug. You told her you loved her. Then wished her luck.

"IF YOU'RE GONNA GET LAID, DON'T COME IN HERE!" you yelled across the hall. Her laugh echoed.

You went back to your bed and thought about what you'd do about later. You panicked when Suga grabbed your arm. It was kinky, you weren't going to lie. He's so confusing.

You wondered what he looked like now. He was known for dying his hair a lot. You decided to take a nap.

You shook in your sleep as you dreamed of him. You remembered how he looked before and you pictured him leaning close to your face as you got closer to him. Just as he began to close his eyes, you did too. His lips pressed to yours and you opened your eyes... But you couldn't see anything. This is how the dream ended... It's how they all ended.

You woke up quickly and pressed your phone. The phone said, "7pm June 9th, 2018. Good afternoon, Y/N!"

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