Chapter 3- Darkness

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Edited: grammar fixed.

Your breath caught in your throat as you woke up. Or... you think you woke up. You had your eyes open... did you? You moved your hands over your eyes. They were open.


You couldn't see anything.

You blinked about a thousand times before screaming loudly. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you sobbed.

You felt hands on your arms.


The only thing you could see was where the light was. You were in a bright room.

"Calm down. It's Doctor Kim. You're at the hospital. Can you see me?" he said as he waved a hand in front of your face.

"NO NO! I CAN'T FUCKING SEE YOU!" you yelled as you tried to get up. You screamed again; feeling a large sting of pain in your ribs.

"Calm down, L/N Y/N, it's alright. You are in a state of panic. It's okay," he said in a calm voice.

"HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?! I CAN'T SEE!" you yelled; smacking the doctor in the stomach.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to..." you whispered.

"How did this happen, doctor?" you asked, accepting your fate.

"You were found with cocaine in your system, and your vision has been damaged from flash," he answered you; his voice sounding distant.

"Is it permanent?" you asked him.

"There's only a 10% chance that you'll get your vision back," he answered; his voice coming closer to you.

"We have a few questions and you'll be ready to go to the recovering station," the doctor said; holding a clipboard in his hand.

"Can you see the light above you?" he asked you.


"Can you blink properly?"


"What color can you see?"


"Describe something that is the color red."

"Um... a.. um.. An apple!" you answered after a while.

"Can you remember anybody you know?"

"I know their names."

"Can you describe who the last person you saw looked like?"

"Umm.. It was um.. He had black hair, black shirt, and black pants. That's all I can remember," you answered.

So specific, y/n. 

"You'll be escorted to your resting room now," the doctor said. You held your breath as your body was picked up and put in a wheel chair. The nurse rolled you away. You felt air rush into your nostrils as she guided you to your destination.

The two of you entered the room.

"Where am I?" you asked.

"Recovering room," the nurse answered bluntly. She helped you get on the bed.

You groaned as you sat up.

"Miss?" you asked into nothingness.

"Miss?" you asked again. You began to panic.

"Miss?! Please?!" you yelled as you cried into your hands; feeling haunted by the thought of never being able to know what people look like anymore.

You felt somebody grab your hand.

"Hey," a male's voice said quietly.

"Who are you?" you asked when you removed your hands from your face.

"Suga," he answered. Your heart began to beat faster.

"What are you doing here?" you asked; moving your hand away from his.

"I wanted to check on you," he responded coolly.

"Well I'm doing terrible, leave me alone," you answered.

"Okay, I'll leave then," he said and you felt the warmth of his presence disappear.

"WAIT! Please don't leave. I don't want to be alone," you cried as you swept your hands in the air wanting desperately to find him. A hand took yours.

"Fine, I'll stay here. But, you better start being nice. Bad girls get hurt," he answered. You didn't need sight to realize he was smirking.

"What's with the arm swinging? I was on your opposite side," he laughed.

"I can't see you," you answered seriously.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I'm blind," you retorted. You felt his hand leave yours and he backed up.

"Suga?" you called out, "This isn't funny at all. Stop leaving me!" you yelled.

"How did it happen?" he asked as he sat down next to you.

"Your stupid girlfriends flashed their lights on my eyes. Then something about cocaine in- Oh my god," your anger built up as you cut off your own sentence.

"You were getting awful friendly with me at the party... It doesn't make sense... Unless... Unless you drugged my drink," you breathed.

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