Bonus- Little Things

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A/N: Knew You Better has gotten to 2.2k reads!!! I'm not kidding when I say that I'm crying. I literally and most certainly am. I love you guys! Continue to share this story, and enjoy this bonus.

You stared at yourself in the mirror sideways. You stared at your stomach. There was tons of baby fat. Your thighs had gotten fatter and it was making you feel terrible. It was a hot summer, and you kept wearing jeans and sweaters to hide your body. Yoongi didn't notice this as he was paying attention to his newborn daughter.

He had noticed the baby fat. He thought it was adorable, and he thought the thick thighs made you even hotter. He never told you these things.

You had been stress eating and this only made you feel worse. Yoongi thought your appetite was cute. But, he didn't tell you this.

Today there was going to be a college reunion. You decided to wear a dress you had bought. It was a bit tight on you now. You began to cry as you tried to fit into it. You wiped your tears before leaving to meet Yoongi outside.

He held Soo Yun in his arms and began to place her in the car seat. You skipped over and sat in the passenger seat. Yoongi got in the drivers seat and turned to you. He saw that when you sat, your thighs filled up the seat. His mind began to run wild and he kept staring. You felt insecure and pulled down your dress.

You got to the reunion spot and you looked around. The girls from your year were wearing dresses too. They looked amazing in them. They were skinny and probably beautiful. You couldn't really tell what their faces looked like. You had only applied foundation and lip gloss. You bet you looked terrible.

You put your head down and walked behind Yoongi. He put Soo Yun in a carriage and pushed her forward. She giggled and your heart felt soft.

Your happiness faded away when girls began to run up to Yoongi. They all hugged him and goggled Soo Yun.

"She's beautiful just like her father!" One said, and they completely ignored you. They were tall and skinny. Their dresses were unnecessarily too short and you felt low.

Yoongi thanked them and continued to show off his daughter. You survived through the whole reunion staring at the floor and not greeting people. Girls kept on flirting with Yoongi, and he didn't stop them but he didn't respond either.

When you got home, you went to your medicine cabinet and pulled out diet pills. You put them on the desk and decided to shower before taking them. You went into the shower and let water drip down your self-hated body. You sobbed quietly as you began to think terrible thoughts.

What if Yoongi leaves me for one of them?

Yoongi deserves a beautiful girl.

I'm not pretty enough for him.

You stepped out of the shower and put on a tank top and some short shorts. You had run out of long shorts to wear, so you were stuck with the shortest ones. You stepped out of the shower to see Yoongi standing by the desk holding a pill bottle.

"Diet pills, Y/N?" He asked in an angry low voice.

"Yoongi-" Your voice cracked.

"You think you need to lose weight?" He asked and you stayed silent. He began to walk towards you. He grabbed your hand and yanked you into the bathroom. He pulled up the toilet seat and opened the pill bottle.

"Yoongi no!" You yelled as he began to spill the pills into the toilet. Your eyes watered and when he flushed, you began sobbing loudly.

"P-Please, Yoongi. I'm n-not sk-kinny. I need t-them," You cried. He hated this. He saw you break down over diet pills. He hated himself for not reminding you that you were perfect the way you are.

Without saying anything, he picked you up and swung you over his shoulder. He carried you to the bedroom. He put you on the bed and paced around the room.

"Why do you need weight loss pills?" He asked angrily.

"I'm f-fat and ugly. You deserve b-better."

"Fat?" He put his hand on your thigh.

"I think they're perfect." He said.

"Ugly?" He asked.

"If you weren't 80% blind, I'd take you to a mirror and point out every single thing I love about you." He stated and you gulped.

"I don't want those girls. They're fake and plastic. You're the only one I want and once Soo Yun falls asleep, I'm going to prove that to you." You gulped once again.

"You're. Fucking. Perfect," He whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine.

"And I love you. I love you. Every curve and every single inch of you. I married you, and not them. I fell in love with you. The tiny girl that ran around the park singing Barney, I fell in love with her. She made me a better person, and there's no way she can scare me away with just a little extra meat."

"You're perfect to me."

A/N: you guys are all perfect but just in case you don't believe, Yoongi is here to tell you otherwise. <3

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