Chapter 26- Marry Me

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Edited: Grammar fixed and detail added.

"You said you'd be willing to marry me right?"

Your body tensed up as he asked you the question. You swallowed hard. 

"Yes. T-That's what I said," You responded. He cleared his throat and nodded. 

"Take a walk with me," He said as he stood up. He took your hand and dragged you to your feet. Your heart sped up and the same word repeated in your head. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

He walked you through the quiet beach. You held your shoes in your hand as you walked through the water. 

He stopped you at an isolated part of the beach. Then he pointed at a rock. You turned to look at him. He smiled and motioned for you to go there. You hesitantly walked over to it. You looked at the rock and saw a bright light behind it.

You turned the corner and found a flashlight next to a bottle. You took a deep breath and picked it up. There was a note in the bottle. You removed the cork and pulled out the note. You couldn't read it. After a few seconds, you realized that the letter was written in braille. 

You dragged your finger on the note and read, "Turn around." You did as it said.

There he was.

Yoongi was on one knee behind you. Everything stopped. Seriously, you felt stunned. Everything that had happened before then was just forgotten. You had watched billions of marriage proposal videos and wondered what yours would be like. Here you were, with the boy that you had loved so long ago. 


You were with the man you loved most. He wasn't any little boy who enjoyed showing you new places. He wasn't the boy who held your hand when you climbed through trees together. 

He was a man now and you were a woman. Everything was different. Yet, nothing changed. As if all those years of separation did nothing. You fell in love with him. Oh my god you fell in love with him all over again. 

The world finally came back to life. You went over and stood in front of him while tears streamed down your face. 

You wiped them. He pulled out a small black box and opened it. Then he took out the ring and held it in front of you. 

"Y/N... I've had my whole proposal to you planned since we were kids. I knew how much you loved the beach. I wish we had more time together. I wish I hadn't messed everything up so long ago. But, I love you. I've always loved you and I love our baby girl already. I have four months to live. Even though every breath I take brings me one step closer to death, you make me feel the most alive I've ever felt. You're my best friend, my strength, my girlfriend, and I want you to be my wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, literally. Marry me?" He asked and breathed heavily after so much talking. 

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.

You knew that this was going to hurt you in the end. You know you were getting too attached. Maybe this was a bad idea but... You wanted to experience everything with him. Even if it only lasts four months. Maybe it was selfish... Maybe it was just love blinding you even further.

"Of course I'll marry you," You said in a low cracking voice. He grabbed your left hand and slipped the ring on your finger. Then he stood up and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled away. 

He placed cute pecks on your nose, forehead, cheek, and finally one on your lips. 

Then he picked you off your feet and carried you all the way back to your hotel room.

"Breann helped you with the Braille didn't she?" You asked and he nodded. You giggled to yourself 

The two of you got two hours of sleep that night. A percentage of the time was spent talking to each other. Another was cuddling and the other part is something we shouldn't talk about ;D.

Now... How the fuck are you going to plan a wedding in 2-3 months? 

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