Chapter 15- Strength

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Edited: Author note changed lol if you know, you know. Grammar fixed, dialogue updated.

The two of you parted slowly and the only sound in the room was lip clicking. Your heart felt so light. You squeezed his hand and he moved his head forward and connected his lips to yours again. One more separation. A few seconds went by and the two of you sat in silence. Your lips were hungry for his. So you went forward in search for his lips.

You couldn't see crap still since your eyes were covered by bandages. You found them and pressed them to yours. Things got more intimate as your clothes slowly began to come off. You placed your hand on his jaw and kissed him. He pushed you on the bed and was on top of you.

"Is this okay?" he asked suddenly. You nodded eagerly.

A/N: no smut yet, but. Sinful things have gone on.

You didn't expect to be so exhausted but... You were. You quickly put your clothes back on and laid back down. You shuffled a bit in your bed after Yoongi had left. You were shocked that you didn't chicken out like you did with Jimin.

You quickly went to sleep. You woke up the next morning and realized Yoongi wasn't in the room. You stood up since you could now and immediately felt a sharp pain in your lower stomach. You gasped and sat back down.

"What the hell, Min Yoongi?" you whispered. You heard a chuckle.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOONGI! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THERE!!" you screeched. He laughed even harder.

You scoffed and laid back down on your bed.

He sat next to you. Suddenly, you were curious. You sat up.

"W-what did last night mean to you?" you asked quietly.

"It meant a lot... I won't ever forget it," he whispered.

"What does it mean for u-us?" you stuttered.

"What do you want it to mean?" he asked.

"I don't even know if I broke things up with Jimin. I consider us broken up. I still love him... As a friend though. Maybe that's why I didn't let him do what you did to me. Last night changed a lot for me, Yoongi... It changed everything. You made me feel special and cared for," You explained to him.

"We can't date each other, Y/N... You know that... I'm too much of a lost cause..."

"No you're not, Min Yoongi. But... I know we can't be together," You sighed.

"You're my strength. Will that be enough?" he asked. Your cheeks warmed up and your heart felt fuzzy. He was doing something to you.

"I'll fight this cancer. Just if it means I can see you for even a few minutes longer," He said.

"Don't you think we're rushing things?.."

"Rushing is nothing when one of us is fighting death."

You held his hand but immediately dropped it when you heard footsteps.

"Miss L/N... It's time for your check up," Your favorite nurse said. You nodded. Yoongi got off your bed and went to his own.

You stood up since you could balance yourself now. Check up was where you peed in a cup, had your blood checked, etc etc.

After everything, you went back to your room. Yoongi had to do his too. Except his was more complex and painful. You sighed and decided to take a nap.

A few weeks went by. You had check ups more recently now since they noticed a change in your menstrual cycle. One day, you were woken up by a doctor.

"We have some news for you, Miss L/N," the doctor said.

"Is it more important than my sleep?" you groaned and sat up. They handed you a braille letter. You read it and you froze.

"I'M PREGNANT?!" you screamed. You heard Yoongi start to cough loudly in his bed. He began to choke as you yelled into your hands.

"N-No! There's no way, Doc!" you cried. You were sobbing. You were literally 20 and now you were pregnant. Just fucking great.

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