Chapter 2- Feel

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Edited: grammar fixed, detail added.

The smell of alcohol flooded the large dorm room. You were stared at by a few of the older boys as you walked in. You were wearing a pretty short dress; which you later found out was a bad idea. 

You walked over to a corner; hearing guys mutter flirts to you. You shook them off and pulled out your phone. You scrolled through social media. 

"Y/n?" a voice asked. You looked up to find Suga standing in front of you with two glasses of alcohol in his hands.

"You came!" he exclaimed; obviously intoxicated.

"Yeah, I did," you said; sternly with a tint of nervousness.

"Can I offer you something to drink?" he asked you; handing you a glass.

"Um... Yeah, thanks," you answered as you took the glass. You took a sip and coughed a bit from the obnoxious taste of the alcohol.

"First time?" he asked; you shook your head no.

"Of course not! I was caught off guard... That's it," you lied. He smirked and nodded.

"Fair enough,  you gotta be careful around people like these alright?" he stated; making direct eye contact and you shuddered a bit.

"No duh," you retorted, "I can take care of myself."

"Alright, my friends are waiting for me. Take care of yourself, Y/n," he replied before winking and walking off. You watched him walk off; holding your drink awkwardly in your right hand.

You took another sip from your glass and coughed. You kept watching people dance like crazy; dragging hands on each other. Something warm bubbled up inside you and made you twitch. Your head began to spin and you realized you were probably drunk.

Damn your low alcohol tolerance. 

You drank the rest of your glass and went off to where people were dancing. Your black dress was tight and it hugged your figure perfectly. Everybody began to dance around you and you joined along.

You jumped and danced to the music. You had already lost count of how many glasses of alcohol you drank. You felt hands on your body as you danced and you didn't know who it was. You didn't stop people from touching you, this was too much fun to give up.

You turned around to see the man who had been close to you for half of the night. You squinted your eyes since everything was blurry. They had black hair and were wearing a black t-shirt and tight black pants.

You were slightly attracted. They kept their hands on your waist for the whole night. Different phones took different pictures. All of them had flash on; giving you a headache. The guy left you and you were swarmed by girls.

"So, are you dating Suga?" one asked.

"He's mine, you should back off," another retorted.

"Do you think Suga even wants a whore like you?" another girl laughed.

"I've heard he dates a girl, fucks them, and dumps them," another girl whispered.

"Get the hell away from me!" you yelled; stumbling back as they walked closer to you.

"Keep your paws away from him," the same girl from earlier threatened.

"Try me," you said; immediately regretting it when she poured her drink on your dress. You gasped and just as you were about to drunkily swing at her; you felt two hands on your hips.

"Let me help you clean that up," the voice said strictly.

"No! Let me at her!" you whined. He walked you to a room and handed you a towel. Your vision was blurred so you couldn't really see where you were.

You took the towel and dried off the alcohol from your dress.

"I need to go," you groaned.

"No you don't," the guy said to you.

"My dress is ruined," you answered as you began to walk.

"Who cares? Come on, keep dancing with me. Nobody will say anything about your dress," he whispered into your ear.

"Creepy hoe," you retorted; earning a chuckle from him. He took your hand and guided you back to the dance floor.

More and more cameras recorded the two of you. You laughed as you drank more. Your world began to spin even more. You couldn't be on your feet anymore. You held onto the guy you were dancing with. Your knees gave in and he made sure you didn't fall.

He walked you over to a couch and sat you down.

"You're wasted as hell," he laughed.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm going home!" you yelled as you tried to stand up; failing and falling back on the seat.

"I'll be right back," he sighed and walked away.

"Hey, whore!" somebody called to you.

"On the count of three, girls!" the voice yelled. A group of girls swarmed you but you couldn't see their faces since they were blurred.

"1. 2. 3!" the girl counted. On the last number, about 20 camera flashes flashed right in your eyes. Everything around you turned to the color white for about 10 seconds. A large red circle formed and you couldn't see anything.

"Holy shit!" you yelled as you put your hands to your eyes and rubbed them. You stood up and tripped over somebody. You were on the floor now; being kicked by several girls. You coughed and bled.

You heard the sound of police sirens and the kicking stopped. You opened your eyes and saw Suga running to you. The room spun in circles and you passed out.  

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