Chapter 20- Hold Me

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Edited: storyline shifted.

You felt as a person ran over to you. You quickly realized it wasn't Jimin. You looked over at the person.

Their arms wrapped around you and you felt safe. It was Yoongi. Though Jimin might have been the boy you've hugged your whole life, Yoongi was something different. There was a different aura to him that drew you in. It wasn't soft like Jimin's.

It was intriguing and addicting. He was your daily dose and you needed him more than ever. Suddenly, you felt him shake.

You heard quiet sobs and you knew...

Yoongi was crying. 

You pulled away from him and wiped his tear with your thumb. 

"Shh baby, it's ok." You comforted him. You didn't know why he was crying... But.. Yoongi realized that through everything life has put him through, you were the only place he could go to. 

You were his guardian angel. You made him feel better when there was nothing to feel good about. It was you. It was always you. Now, he messed up big time. His ending was inevitable.

Why wasn't he stronger? Why couldn't he wait for you to come and save him instead of going back to what he did before he met you. 

These thoughts ran through his head. Suddenly he felt a painful ring in his head. His body went limp into your arms. You shook him and he wasn't waking up. You called the doctors over and they put him in a gurney. 

Doctors asked what happened, "He passed out while crying," You sobbed.

"What led him to crying?" He asked. You fought the tears and forced yourself to say, "I don't know."

The police officer thanked you for your time and left. You rushed to the front desk.

"Where's Min Yoongi being taken? What happened?" 

"They're worried the tumor has spread," The receptionist told you calmly.

"What would happen if it did?" You asked in a panic.

"He'd be diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer."

You lost all feeling in your limbs. You stood there blankly, praying that this was a dream.

"How long would he have..?" You whispered.

"There's a 6% chance that he'd last five more years." The receptionist responded sadly. You lost it. All the calmness you had. All the patience you had gained crashed down right there and then. You shook your head repeatedly. You kept muttering things that you didn't comprehend. 

You began to shake violently. Your heartbeat increased drastically. You began to twitch as you cried. "Take me to him. P-Please..."

The receptionist took a deep breath.

"We can't do that... Tomorrow is your last day here. Yoongi won't be able to leave the hospital for as long as the cancer is in his body... You're perfectly fine now..."

You left. You just walked away. Maybe you went outside or to your room. You didn't know where you were going if you had to be honest. 

Don't die on me now Min Yoongi. I need you. 

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