Chapter 12- Him

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Edited: More description and dialogue added.

You sat on your bed reading a braille book. Suddenly you heard a groan and then footsteps came towards you. There was a weight placed on the edge of the bed. A hand trailed along from your foot to your knee.

"What do you want, Min?" you asked as you put the book down.

"Tell me about your boyfriend," he ordered.

"No." You answered and his hand led up higher. You smacked his hand.

"Fine fine. His name is Jimin," you explained.

"Does he go to our University?" You shook your head no. 

"Is he older than you?" he asked. You nodded.

"What was is he like?" 

"He's... He's something. He smiles and laughs a lot. It really tugs at my stomach when he laughs. He was funny, sweet, and caring. I miss him. He never visits me. He accepts my condition and he tries to make me feel like I'm perfect. He gave the best kisses ever and I feel like I failed him," you whispered as your hands began to sweat.

"Failed him? How?" 

"I don't know... We had been dating for a long time and I told him I was ready to finally sleep with him-"

"You told me this..."

"I brought his hopes up for the millionth time but I backed off because I was scared as hell. But... I feel like that's not the only reason I turned him down..."

"What would be the other reason?"

"I had been flirting with somebody else before he asked me out. I felt unsettled since I think I liked the other person. Plus, Jimin is my best friend. I barely saw him as anything else but I thought it would be a good idea since I love him."

"This other person... Do they go to our school?" You nodded.

"He kinda reminds me of you, actually... Except that he's an actual asshole. You're okay... He called this one girl his toy and said he would never date a blind girl..." You felt odd around Yoongi. Maybe comfortable. But, he made your heart accelerate.

"He's stupid," Yoongi scoffed.

"You know... He's different than Jimin. A whole lot different. Jimin was slow, and gentle with his kisses. This guy... He wasn't gentle at all. He was more controlling and passionate. I think that's why I was hung up. I believe that men should be more dominant than females in relationships, not that I'm sexist or anything. But, Jimin wasn't that way. I needed to initiate or he wouldn't even touch me. It got annoying at some point." 

"I see what you're saying," Yoongi said.

"Can you tell me just a little bit about your love life? I told you a lot of shit," you laughed. He took a deep breath.

"Fine. What do you want to know?" he asked.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" 


"Ever wanted one?" 


"Ever had a crush?"

"I don't know what you'd consider a crush."

"Somebody that makes your heart race, and you feel butterflies in your stomach when you're around them."

"No, that sounds barbaric."

"Have you ever found a girl attractive?"

"Many," he said in a funnily seductive voice. You smacked him on the head and he laughed. 

"Any in particular?" you asked as you propped your head on your hands.

"Well. There was this girl at our school. We kissed a few times but I said something messed up and now she's mad at me," he explained with a shrug that you couldn't see. You felt your chest tighten. Your mood shifted and you felt... Jealous?

What the heck, Y/n. Don't be a whore. You just broke up with Jimin and you barely know this guy.

"She'll forgive you, I hope she does," you faked a smiled at him. Meanwhile, Yoongi was panicking from the outside and inside. His face was turned into a full look of panic. He was worried that you'd catch onto who he is.

"I hope she does too," he said as he got off the bed and went to his bed. 

"Goodnight," he whispered as he got into his bed. 

"Night," you said.

About thirty minutes went by but you were still trying to sleep. Your eyes were closed and you were a centimeter away from sleep until you felt something on your forehead.

It was a kiss. 

"Good luck tomorrow, I hope you'll forgive me." 

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