Chapter 7- Broken Toy

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Of course, you knew that Suga was an asshole. Maybe you saw him differently than everybody else did. He wasn't even romantic towards you, he was just touchy and sexual. Maybe you liked it. But after this morning, it just wasn't worth questioning.

You constantly thought of him. Over and over, you felt a tingle on your bottom lip that reminded you of him. You imagined how he could've looked as he kissed you. Then you remember that you're blind and he's a jerk.

Nobody wins in this story.

Days had gone by since you last talked to him and you'd always hear girls snickering about it. How he insulted you and said he wanted nothing to do with you. Sometimes you sort of wished that things didn't go this way.

You walked to your room one morning and sat down on your bed. You knew Bre was there.

"Hey," she said as she sat next to you.

"Hi..." you replied. She moved around on the bed and you felt her hands brush your bangs from your eyes. Like that'll do anything.

"What's wrong?" she asked you.

"Some retards were giving me static again," you answered.

"Well screw them because you're beautiful and it wasn't your fault that Suga flirted with you," Breann retorted.

"I guess... So, how are things with pretty boy?" you asked as you playfully elbowed her.

"Pretty good. He likes a lot of the same things I do. He's also really good at Overwatch so I finally have competition!" she exclaimed.

"But you suck at Overwatch," you said to her and she frowned.

"Screw you, mate."

"Speaking of pretty boy, I should get going. We have a date again. You should've been here earlier to help me pick an outfit instead of being in the piano room all day." You sighed.

"Next time," you answered casually. She patted your head and left. You heard the door open and you thought Breann came back but it wasn't her. It smelled like male's cologne. You could recognize it from thousands of miles away.

You stood up and hugged Jimin tight. You hadn't seen him since you went blind and you needed him more than you needed anybody. He hugged you back.

"I missed you so much," he said into your hair.

"Why didn't you visit me?!" you yelled playfully.

"I've been busy seducing girls."

"How has that been working out for you?"

"I'm still single." You laughed at the poor boy.

"Are you doing better?" he asked.

"The denial part was the worst but I've gotten over it," you answered.

"Y/N... Can I talk to you seriously for a moment?" You nodded.

"I love you. You know that right?" he asked. You nodded one more time.

"Well, lately. That's changed. Maybe overnight. Every single bone in my body is telling me that I should be with you. I'm falling in love with you after so many years. I would give my life for you to be happy. I just wanted you to know that," Jimin confessed. Your heartbeat picked up.

"Jimin, you know how fucked up I am. You know that I'm blind and we'll never have the relationship you wanted. I'm a broken toy..."

"Maybe that's what drew me in," Jimin whispered.

"I love you, Y/N." A long moment of silence followed.

You picked up your hands and dragged them around his face until your fingers handed on his lips. You didn't know what to say. You loved him too. If you were honest to yourself, you did sort of have a crush on him. But that'd be too embarrassing to admit. You leaned in and placed a warm kiss on his lips.

He pushed you closer to him, capturing your body heat. When he pulled away, the room was so quiet that you only heard the sound of lip separation.

You went for his lips again. Maybe after you guys decided to separate, then you could talk about what's next. But it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

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