Chapter 28- Vows

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A/N: Keep in mind, I did research for three days because I've never gone to a wedding.

Wedding day. You were up at 5am for makeup and hair purposes. You were getting really bad wedding jitters. You had seven mental breakdowns in three hours. The wedding started at 2pm. Breann came up behind you while you paced in your room.

"Oh my god, you scared me!" You squealed. She smiled and pulled out a small cardboard box. You looked up at her and she gave it to you. 

"Post-wedding gift, you might need help putting it on though," She explained. You nervously opened the box. You gasped.

"You didn't!" You asked in shock, "These are expensive!!" 

"Well, I got it for you. It was the least I could do," She smiled. You wrapped your arms around her. 

Contact lenses. She got you contact lenses. You couldn't afford them and you hadn't told anybody that they existed. But, of course Breann would know about them. 

They helped people who had 20/200 vision see at 20/70! They were expensive... $200 per box. 

"I wanted you to see your husband clearly. I want you to see how happy he's going to be when he sees you walking down the aisle for him," She said as she held your hand. You forced yourself not to cry. 

"I love you," You told her.

"I love you too, now go put on your dress!" She rushed you to your changing room. You went in and stared at your dress. It was beautiful and you forced yourself not to scream. You put it on carefully to not ruin it or your hair or your makeup. 

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It was 1:50pm

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It was 1:50pm. Everybody was outside and you watched from the venue's window. You took a big gulp as you saw everybody that was there. Your family members and Yoongi's family members and friends. Most of them were sobbing their eyes out. Your family was small. You had your sister, your aunt, and your baby cousin. 

You felt your heart tighten as you thought of your dad. He wouldn't walk you down the aisle. He wasn't even invited. Maybe if he hadn't picked his pregnant mistress over your mom, he'd be here. But a tear didn't leak until you thought of your mom. 

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