Chapter 19- Waiting

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Edited: storyline changed severely. 

Your heart dropped as you saw Jimin standing there. You hadn't seen him and he was as perfect as you remembered him. You felt yourself swoon but you held yourself together as you turned to Yoongi. You couldn't see their facial expressions but you could imagine that Jimin was angry to find you kissing Suga. 

Jimin dropped the flower and went over to Yoongi. You watched as Jimin pounced on him. You gasped as they began to fight. You ran towards them and shoved them away from each other. They stumbled towards one another again. This time Jimin was on top of Yoongi as he began to hit Yoongi's face as hard as he could. Yoongi was defenseless. 

You ran to Jimin and attempted to push him off. But, somebody pushed you off... You hit your head on the wall and blacked out. 

You woke up on your bed with Jimin sitting next to you holding an ice pack on your forehead. He held your hand with his. You looked up at him and remembered what had happened. You tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain coming from your head. You laid back down.

"Where's Yoongi..?" You whispered. "Who's Yoongi?" He asked you.

"S-Suga... Where is Suga?" You asked and your tone toughened. 

"He stormed out when I started to care for you," Jimin answered as he rubbed his finger on your bottom lip. 

"You can see me," He smiled slightly. You nodded slightly. You were frozen and couldn't move. All you could think about was Yoongi. Was he okay? Jimin might be your ex boyfriend, he might have just beat up your boyfriend, but he was still your best friend. 

Maybe that's why you didn't reject the kiss he gave you soon after.  Instead you froze and melted. Common sense left your side. You missed your best friend. But then you quickly fell down from your love cloud and realized who you were kissing. You shoved him off with both of your hands. 

"Jimin, no. We broke up, it's over," You breathed. His voice turned cold, "We never officially broke up. Are you dating him? Did you cheat on me?"

"I didn't cheat on you, because we broke up. I can be with whoever I want now. You didn't bother to look for me, or text me after the incident. It has been weeks since it happened. You're too late now. I want you to leave."

"I'm not leaving you," He whispered. You took a deep breath and you heard a sniffle come from him.

"J-Jimin... No..."

"I get it, y/n. I'm your best friend and you felt pity for me."

"That's not it..."

"So everything you said was meaningless. The kisses were empty, and your heart didn't belong to me," He said in tears.

"I meant it all. I just... It wasn't that way..."

"If you say so, y/n... I just want you to know, that I'm really hurt. Beyond hurt. I loved you. Not just as a best friend. I've had a crush on you since we were eleven. I helped you through your hardest times, and yet. You're with the man who caused this tough time in your life. Your choice was clearly idiotic." He said before leaving.

You crawled into a ball on the floor as the ice pack touched your pounding head.

The tears came by, non stop.

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