Chapter 18- Mine

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Edited: nightmare less graphic, grammar fixed. 

You walked into your baby's room and stepped towards the crib where Yoongi stood holding them. You smiled as Yoongi turned to you.

"Hey," he greeted you as he pecked your lips quickly. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck as he rocked the baby in his arms. You moved over in front of him to check up on the baby. 

You heard a quiet swish of air by your side. You turned and smiled at the man beside you.


"How's my lovely wife?" he asked as he kissed your nose. You smiled and handed him the baby. Yoongi had disappeared and you watched as Jimin began to leave with the baby. You ran out and Jimin was gone. He took your baby. You screamed as there was a loud bang. Jimin was dead and your baby laid beside him, breathless and bleeding. 

You woke up in cold sweat with Yoongi shaking you awake. He kept repeating your name trying to wake you up. You were sobbing. 

"Get off of me!" You shoved him off. You continued to cry as you pictured the nightmare over and over. You couldn't take it anymore and threw yourself into his arms. 

He sat next to you as he let you cry it out. You slowly drifted back to sleep in his arms. A few hours passed and it was 8am. 

You sat up and saw Yoongi sleeping peacefully next to you. You sighed and brought yourself to kiss his forehead. He smirked. This bitch is awake. You were pulled back onto the bed and he placed himself above you.

"Good morning," he greeted as he smiled down at you. You wish you could see his features better. 

"I never said I forgave you," you groaned as you pushed him off. 

"What did you dream of last night?" He asked you suddenly, causing you to pause.

"Nothing," you grumbled as you prepared yourself to stand up.

"Talk to me..?" He pleaded quietly. 

"Yoongi... I don't know how to forgive you. You were one of the reasons that I'm legally blind, and you broke my heart that day in the piano room. You use girls. I bet you weren't even pure when we did it. I bet that's what you told all the girls. You're the playboy! You call girls your toys and now I'm fucking pregnant! Now tell me how many girls you've gotten pregnant," You yelled in his face. 

"Just you... It's always been just you," He whispered.

"What does that even mean?" You scoffed. He took your hand.

"I need to talk to you about something..." 

"Are you gonna tell me some bullshit about how I'm different than all the girls you've gotten with. Is that it?"

"No. Sit down," he ordered. You sighed and sat next to him with your legs crossed.


"We met before college..." he whispered as he pulled you closer to him.

"You were seven, I was nine. We met at a carnival. You were nice to me. When I dropped my ice cream, you offered yours to me. We were friends from then until I was thirteen and you were eleven. You had met a boy named Jimin and you traded me for him. I was heartbroken but I remember you clearly as if this all happened yesterday. Everything in my house was shitty. My parents slapped me, hit me, kicked me, and beat me down but I had you. You were all I had. I got into heavy drugs when I was 7, your age, since my parents didn't seem to care who I hung out with. But, when I met you... I stopped. You took all my stress away just by being there with me. I wasn't alone," He explained in a low voice. 

A tear leaked down your cheek. You had forgotten him. But now, you can remember bits of his story. Your best friend before Jimin. You had forgotten his name but you remembered his existence. 

You sat in silence. You couldn't have felt any shittier. You broke his heart... 

"Y/N... You were everything to me. You were my only friend. You were mine. And he took you. So, when I saw you back in college being harassed by Jeno... I needed to talk to you again. I heard about Jeno dating a girl named Y/N, but I didn't believe it was you. Not until I saw your clumsy self again. It was like I had fallen in love all over again," He whispered. 

You wiped away your tear. You looked at him for the first time since the story began... You hugged him tight. You never wanted to let go. You suddenly understood why he was so attached to you after everything that happened. You realized that when he saw you were his hospital roommate, it was his last chance to be with you. 

Your foreheads were pressed together as you two appreciated each other in silence. You brought your lips to his. 

"Y/N?!" somebody yelled. You pulled yourself away from Yoongi as soon as you heard the voice.

You looked over. There was a boy standing at the door holding a yellow dandelion in his hand.


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