Chapter 30- Purpose (Ending One)

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Edited: Sentence added.

Month four. Any time now.

You hadn't gotten much sleep because of your screaming baby back at home. You returned from your honeymoon early. It was fine though. But, you heard coughing next to you.

You opened your eyes slightly and felt Yoongi run from the bed. He went to the bathroom and the wheezing continued.

It had been happening a lot more recently. You knew it was because his time was almost up. You attempted to hold back your tears every time you remembered his unfortunate fate. You'd stay up after attending Soo Yun just to stare at him.

Yoongi came back from the bathroom and laid down next to you. It was currently 5 AM. The coughing was happening way too often now.

You closed your eyes and tried to sleep. But... Then the choking began. You sat up quickly and turned to him in alarm. He couldn't breathe. You ran at the speed of light to get an inhaler for him. You gave it to him and he shook it violently.

Then, he breathed. Your heart sped up even faster when he passed out. You shook him and attempted to wake him up.

You pressed your ear to his heart, it was still beating. You put a finger under his nose, he was still breathing.

"Baby..." You cried into his chest. You then continued to shake him.

You called the emergency number right afterwards. The ambulance came and picked him up. They took your baby with them to take care of her while you're gone. You sat with him and held his hand. Well, the one that wasn't covered in cords.

You arrived at the ER. They told you to stay outside. You paced back and forth.

Life was just a big endless void with no purpose to most people. But, he was your purpose. You were his strength. Yet, strength might not always be enough to keep somebody fighting. He was weak and you couldn't help him.

You broke out sobbing into your hands. A while later, a doctor tapped on your shoulder.

"He has approximately an hour before his body shuts down. Be with him..." Was all the doctor said before patting your shoulder and leaving.

You stood up and shakily walked to the room they kept him in. You opened the door to find him sitting down on a bed. His expression was sad.

"I'm sorry," He whispered.

"I forgive you. I'll always forgive you," You sobbed as you hugged him softly.

He wrapped his arms around you.

"You're crying over me... I told you not to. I thought I Knew You Better..."

You shook your head.

"I was so late. We had so little time together. I was a jerk, I played with girl's feelings to try to get over you. It didn't work. But whether you believe it or not... You were my first," He explained.

"I understand..."

"I wanted people to call me Suga because I'm ashamed. Min Yoongi. The boy who ran from home. The boy who was beat everyday by his parents. But, when I'm with you... Everything about me suddenly disappears. My past doesn't mean anything because you're my future. You're the last person I see," He said before his voice cut off. He couldn't breathe properly anymore. His heart rate slowed down. He pressed his lips to yours and pulled away.

"I.. I love you, Y/N."


"I love you so much more, Min Yoongi..." You whispered as you looked down at his tombstone. You held Soo Yun in your arms. She was laughing and you tried to hold back tears. His funeral happened a week ago. All people would say is, "I'm sorry for your loss."

All you'd do is nod.


You twiddled with your ring as you sat next to his grave. You held a piece of paper and wrote on it.

"Miss you," Was all it said. You placed it next to his picture frame.

Soo Yun came by and sat next to you as she held a single Lotus Blossom in her hand. She placed it next to his picture. Then, a tear leaked from your eye.

It had been 5 years since Min Yoongi was stripped away from you.

Your heart yearned for his hugs, his touches, his kisses, and just him.

But all sad thoughts left your head as Soo Yun wrapped her arms around you.

"I love you, mommy."

"I love you even more."

A/N: The story finished!!! I'm sorry if I made you cry or anything. I'll write a second ending if you're depressed. Thank you for those who read it. I love you guys and thank you for all the votes and views!!! Author-Oppar... Out. <3

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