Chapter 30- Live For Me (Ending Two)

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Yoongi sat in the living room holding Soo Yun in his arms. He rocked her back and forth as she slowly fell asleep. He slept along with her since he had the chance. You cooked in the kitchen as Yoongi took care of the baby. Today was a busy day. It was month five. Yoongi seemed... Fine?

The sad reality was that he was going to die soon. But he was still there to kiss you in the mornings. He was there to cuddle Soo Yun in the afternoons, and he was still there to wish you both a good night. Everything was going perfect.

You were going to the doctor today to go check up on Yoongi's condition. With every string of hope in your soul, you prayed that the 1% chance he had of surviving would come through.

"I got her," Breann said as she took Soo Yun from your arms and cradled her in her own.

"Okay, remember-"

"Yes yes. Feed her the baby food, rock her to sleep, and give lots of kisses," Breann cut you off with a smile. You sighed at your best friend and nodded before leaving with Yoongi. As he got in the drivers seat he turned to you.

"Love, it's going to be okay. I promise," He whispered when he realized you were tense. You just nodded. The two of you drove to the hospital in silence. It was always like this when you went to check ups. After a while, you arrived.

He stepped out of the car and you did too. The two of you walked to the entrance and checked in. You sat down with a file of papers you were meant to fill. You sighed and watched as Yoongi wrote on them.

He coughed once and then went to go give it to the front desk lady. You fiddled with your ring and waited for him to come back. He took a seat next to you.

"Baby, don't be sad," He told you as he leaned over to kiss you. You kissed him back and then sighed when you broke apart.

The nurse called Yoongi in and you went with him. She took you to the doctor's room and asked Yoongi a few questions before leaving.

You waited for the doctor's arrival in anticipation. Yoongi kept tapping his index finger onto his thigh. You kept wiggling your foot. Eventually, the doctor came in with test results. Yoongi had an X-ray performed on him a week before now. The results were in now.

"Good evening, Mr and Mrs. Min. I have the results from your recent X-ray. And I'm excited to tell you that..."

"Min Yoongi will survive."

You gasped loudly and turned to Yoongi. His eyes were wide open and his jaw dropped. He was in shock. The doctor handed him the results and he opened up the paper without hesitation.

"The cancer had apparently not spread. It was a misinterpretation, and it was disintegrated with medication. Congratulations, Min Yoongi. You will live a long life."

You laughed in relief. There was no feeling like this. Intense happiness and relief. That's what this was. You felt the world spin and everything felt so perfect. It scared you a little bit. Yoongi would survive. The doctor told you that you were allowed to go home now. Yoongi would only have to be checked up on every two months.

But... He would survive.

When the doctor walked out of the room, you and Yoongi stared at each other for a few seconds. You think he was smiling. You couldn't see that well. You had 20/200 vision anyways.

You wrapped your arms around him so tight. He was stuck with you forever now. It was inevitable. He was yours for the rest of his life.

Hours passed and you were back at home with Soo Yun. She was giggling in her dad's arms as he played with her.

1 year went by.

Soo Yun learned to walk.

2 years went by.

Soo Yun learned to talk

3 years went by.

Soo Yun knew how to read

4 years went by.

Soo Yun learned to write.

5 years went by.

Soo Yun owned every single boy's heart in kindergarten. And Yoongi didn't like it.

So one day. Papa Yoongi went to her classroom and sat down next to her. It was "Bring your parents to school." Day. After several hours of whining and complaining, Yoongi convinced you to let him go.

You went to work and Yoongi went with Soo Yun. Papa Yoongs placed Soo Yun in his arms and hugged her for the majority of class and every time a boy came by, he'd hiss at them. This brought up several complaints from Soo Yun.

"No, my daughter is not interested in making play doh figures with you."

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