Chapter 21- Promise

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Edited: Description added.

Six months went by since the incident. You had no contact with Yoongi or Jimin. Your belly had grown really big but you needed a job to pay for your baby. You already knew the gender, but you needed Yoongi by your side now more than ever.

The doctors refused to tell you where he was. You checked every hospital in Seoul. Yet, he wasn't in any of them. You continued to go to school, but now you were unable to attend dance classes. You were given time off. You took this time to look for him.

You walked into the last hospital located in Seoul. You needed money and quickly applied to work as an assistant there. Whether Yoongi was there or not, you needed this job. You took a step into the hospital. It was quiet and specifically for cancer patients. You hadn't heard about this hospital. 

You went to the front desk and she gave you all the information you needed for your first day. You put on your grey work shirt and gloves. 

You repeated the instructions in your head. Room 21 needs the bathroom cleaned. You went to the room. You saw a patient sleeping in their bed. She was pretty, and she had long red hair that you realized was a wig. You smiled slightly and walked into the bathroom. It was fairly clean, but a hospital bathroom needed to be cleaner. 

After scrubbing the toilet, washing the tub, and everything else. You finished. Then checked in for your next room. Room 65, 47, 24, 45, 15, 36, and finally your last room of the day. Room 5.

You walked to the last room when you were told you needed to change the bed sheets. You knocked on the door quietly since it was 9pm. You heard a male's voice say "Come in." 

You opened the door and your body froze. You stared upon the man that sat on his bed. He was breathing through a nasal cannula. His hands were plugged into several different machines surrounding him. 

You let out a quiet sob. He watched you standing by the door, with a big pregnant belly and a stricken expression. You hurried over to him. It wasn't like those romantic scenes where he rips off the cords and ran to you. He didn't pick you up and spin you around. Instead you stood in front of him and he looked up at you. He took your hand and pressed it to his heart.

"Feel this?" He asked quietly. After you nodded slightly he said, "After all this time, my heart still beats for you."

A tear escaped your eye and he brought your face down to his. He kissed your tear and pressed his forehead to yours. 

"You look amazing," He said as he placed his hand on your belly. He brought his lips to your stomach and kissed it.

"She's a girl." You whispered. He looked up at you and he smiled sweetly. Not an open mouth smile but a genuine small smile. His eyes stared into yours as if he was saying a million words.

No matter what had gone on... No matter how long you were separated... He was Yoongi and you fell hard for your childhood best friend. 

"I've remembered a lot of things these few months. Things only you and I would know." He responded quietly. 

"Our house by the lake. All our promises," He continued.

Your mind went blank as you remembered.

"Yoongi-Oppa where are we going?" You asked as he dragged you through a forest.

"Trust me." That's all he said. After pushing through one more tree, he revealed a lake. 

"Is this it?" You asked him curiously as you stared at the slow lake. 

"No, look up." He answered. You looked up and saw a tree house. You watched as Yoongi climbed up. He motioned for you to join him. After giggling, you joined him. He shared secrets with you. Then you panicked when he said something you didn't expect.

"I'm going to marry you someday, Y/N." 

You snapped back to reality.

"I promised I'd marry you someday. There's nothing I've wanted more than that. But I don't think it's possible for me anymore," He explained.

"I'm sorry I can't marry you and be with our daughter I'm so so-" He started to rant before you pressed your lips to him, shutting him up. Then you said something you didn't expect.

"I love you."

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