Chapter 9- Scheduled

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You spent the rest of the night texting Jimin and apologizing over and over. You just couldn't imagine doing it while being blind. You trusted Jimin with everything you had... Maybe you just didn't trust yourself. Another week went by and he continued to ignore you. Classes were coming to an end again.

You hadn't heard from Suga anymore, which disappointed you just slightly.

Doctors strictly told you to avoid drinking but there was so much stress around you. Such as failing a class, your boyfriend being mad, and blindness. You needed to get your mind off of it. So you were wasted and alone. That was your first mistake.

You left the room. Mistake two. As you walked down the stairs from your dorm to the quad, you felt extremely weightless. You tripped over your feet and rolled down the steps. Of course, you blacked out before getting to the bottom.

You woke up to loud beeping by your ear. It was very familiar... You were in a hospital. You kept your eyes closed since opening them hurt like hell. There was somebody in the room with you and their heartbeat kept increasing faster and faster.

"Is there somebody else in this room?" you asked into thin air. You heard a grunt from your hospital roommate. A doctor had come in to check on you.

"Where am I?" you asked. "You were sent to the facility that takes care of people with no sight and people with cancer. You're here for the sight, thankfully you don't have cancer," the doctor explained and you heard a scoff from your roommate.

"A nurse will be here soon to check up on your roommate here, don't mind him. He has a bit of a temper," the doctor said before leaving the room.

"Is there a Min Yoongi in here?" another doctor asked when they walked into the room. There was a voice saying, "Here."

So your roommate's name was Yoongi. You knew you'd be in here a few days since you broke a 1-2 bones. But he had cancer. You gulped nervously and wished the best for your short tempered roommate.

"We have found the cause of the tumor in your lungs," the doctor stated.

"The cigarettes. Yeah I know," Yoongi responded irritably. "You should have stopped when you could," the doctor said calmly.

"Didn't want to," Yoongi muttered. "What's going to happen to me anyways?" His voice sounded insanely familiar but you barely remembered anything anymore. You were told that you lost half of everything you went through the past year.

"You'll stay here for surgery," the doctor said to him and you flinched.

"No. I'm not getting the surgery," Yoongi complained. "If you don't you'll undergo some worse medicines," the doctor explained.

"I'd rather take the medicine than go through surgery." With a sigh, the doctor hummed and went over to you.

"Is this L/N Y/N?" he asked you. You nodded.

"We are keeping you here for a little longer than expected. We have found out more about your sight and we can attempt a surgery to give you your vision back. Would you like the surgery?" he asked you.

"Wow, you asked her the nice way. Good job asshole," Yoongi chimed in from his bed. The doctor laughed quietly.

"I would like the surgery... I'll try anything," you responded in a low voice.

"You're scheduled in three days," the doctor said. "Hang on tight!"

With that... He walked out of the room leaving you alone with your roommate.

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