Chapter 29- It Wasn't You

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The next morning you woke up with intense pain in your stomach. You held your stomach tightly then began to scream. Yoongi woke up quickly. You tried to get up and get changed but you couldn't walk.

Yoongi stood up and helped you walk. You kept groaning in pain. You put some clothes on but realized there was water dripping down your leg.

"Yoongi... My water broke," You breathed.

Yoongi went full panic mode. His eyes widened so big that you thought his eyeballs would fall out of their sockets. He ran to a travel bag he had brought.

He ran and picked out some clothes. He threw them on and swung the bag over his shoulder. He grabbed your hand and walked you carefully to the car you rented. You kept whining in pain.

He drove as fast as he could to the hospital. He helped you walk through the doors and to the front desk.

"My wife is giving birth. Her water already broke," He scrambled his words. The lady nodded and called over the doctors. They put you on a wheel chair and strolled you through the hallways and to a labor room.

They sat you there as you continued to shiver in pain. Yoongi held your hand the whole time and kept you as calm as possible. Doctors kept flooding in to ask questions.

"When did your water break? How did it break? When was the due date?"


"Premature," The doctor said to the assistant. They had changed you into a hospital gown about a few minutes later. They put you on a bed and used the bed to keep your legs up.

They "checked" you. Then the nurse said, "The baby's coming, four hours, tops. She's coming out quick."

Nurses and doctors hurried through the doors. It wasn't until twenty minutes later that they decided to let you begin pushing.

This is when you felt like you were gonna lose your brain. Every time the obstetrician told you to push, you wanted to punch her.

You kept your clutch on Yoongi's hand so tight that it was probably going to break his wrist. He kept whining in pain.

"Yoongi, you better shut the fuck up. You're not shoving a human out of your- AHHHHHHHHH!" You screamed when you legitimately felt yourself tear. You then proceeded to scream insults at Yoongi about how this is his fault.

He let you say these things, because he knew he'd laugh at them later. Whenever later was.

Hours went by. The process was going slow. By the third hour, the head was out. A few minutes into the fourth hour, the shoulders came out.

Then, your baby slid right out and you screamed like you were getting your head chopped off. It was the most intense and painful feeling in the world. But when you Yoongi let go of your hand to get a pair of scissors the nurse handed him, you felt sudden happiness and the pain meant nothing.

He cut the cord connecting you and your baby girl. Min Soo Yun was soon placed in your arms. She had her eyes closed and she was screaming at the top of her tiny lungs. She was so small. She could fit in a small cardboard box, that's how small she was.

But you loved her. You realized something as you stared down at her. The love of your life wasn't Min Yoongi.

It was her.

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