Chapter 22- Due

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A/N: Why am I so emotional because of this chapter????

Right after you had told him you loved him. Your brain went crazy and it was insane. You couldn't explain it. It was the best feeling in the world. You meant it. 

"No..." He whispered, "I didn't want this to happen." Then he pressed his hand to his face and sighed.

"Yoongi..." You attempted to hold onto him but he pushed you off.

"Stop, please leave. I can't take it anymore," He said as he looked away. You knew he was crying.

"Min Yoongi-"


"No. YOU stop. Min Yoongi. I love you. Before you call me stupid or say that you're a lost cause I want you to know that I want you either way. Cancer or not, rude or not, somehow you found a way back to me. I'm so glad you did. I wondered for several nights on why I gave myself over to you so quick. I had trust in you for some reason. I love you Min Yoongi. I love every single cell in your body even the sick ones," You explained to him.

"Y/N... You're too good for me. You knew that, Jim- everybody knew that. There was a reason you left me. I'm not good enough," He whispered.

"I'm not giving up on you. You're good enough for me. I'm sorry I left you. I'm stupid and I didn't know who I was going to miss out on. You were my best friend. I love you no matter what," You responded.

"Listen... It's not worth it..."

"You know what? Prove it to me then. Show me that you're good enough," You challenged in a sweet tone.

"Four months isn't enough for me to make up everything," He answered.

"F-Four months? What does that mean?" You asked as your heart was being ripped apart. Piece by piece, your heart was shattering. 

"I'm at my last stage. I'm going to live for four more months," He responded quietly. 


You could hear your heart exploding. Your chest tightened extremely. Your head began to spin and a tear quickly leaped from your eye onto the floor. 

"No. No no no. Yoongi please tell me you're not serious," You pleaded with all your soul for this to be some joke.

"I'll know my daughter for 1 month before I go," He whispered. You hung your head down. 

"I'm sorry," He said. You couldn't sob as much as you wanted to. This wasn't something you could simply cry over and forget. 

"You have four more months. I'm going to make sure you live them," You smiled slightly.

"I think you should stay away so you don't get hurt..." 


He smiled slightly as well. You leaned down and he kissed you. It was a long, still kiss with no movements. Just the both of you appreciating each other.

He cleaned up a tear from your cheek using his thumb. You rested your head softly against his cord covered hand. You moved away and pulled yourself together mentally.

"We have four months to do everything you wanted to do in your life. Go to an exotic place, try different foods, try everything on the McDonald's menu, and maybe... Maybe we can have a small wedding. We have four months to live our whole future," You explained in a soft voice.

"When do we start?" He smiled. You kissed his cheek.

"As soon as we can get you out of here," You answered, returning the smile.

"But first I need to change your bed sheets," You said in a sudden serious voice. You helped him up so that you can change them. You did so. Then, you helped him back on the bed.

"You're beautiful," He mumbled as he fixed himself on the bed. You giggled quietly and nodded. You didn't quite agree but you didn't have time to convince him otherwise. Plus, you liked the compliment.

"I have to go home, I'll visit tomorrow," You told him. He frowned slightly. You pressed your lips together and pouted. He smiled right after. Then, you gave him another long kiss before walking to the door.

You opened the door when you heard him say, "Y/N?" You turned around.

"I love you too," He announced. You smiled to yourself and nodded. You left the room feeling lonely all of a sudden. 

I'll make these four months count. I promise. 

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