Chapter 13- Surgery

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A/N: Keep in mind that I don't know much at all about surgery, much less eye surgery. I'm just going to try my best to guess what the experience is like. No hate, please :(

You were woken up by a nurse around 8:00 am. Your surgery was happening today and you were panicking. Your blindness had set you back so far. You couldn't do as many things as you could before and you were excited to finally see again. 

"Y/N!" a female voice greeted you. You recognized her. 

"Breann?" you asked. She laughed and said yes.

"Oh my god. I missed you so much," you whined.

"I missed you more, good luck today. I'm praying for you outside," you could tell she was smiling.

"I love you," you told her. She laughed a little, "I love you too." 

She patted your head quickly and then left. The nurse pushed you to the surgery room. Suddenly, you remembered what Yoongi had said. He... Apologized? 

"Wait, nurse. Can I talk to somebody really quick?" you asked her.

"No, I'm sorry. The surgeons are waiting," she answered. You sighed and hoped you remembered to ask him after your surgery. 

You were carried onto a bed, everything you saw was black all the time. Except when you were placed in front of a bright light, then you could see a lighter shade of black. A surgeon asked if you felt okay. You said yes. 

"Would you prefer to be put to sleep or stay awake?" a surgeon asked. You froze. Of course they were going to numb your eyes either way, but did you want to be awake during it? You took a few seconds before answering, "Sleep."

You felt some eye drops go into your eyes. The surgeons left you alone for a few minutes and you couldn't feel your eyes moving anymore. It was as if they were gone.

"Can you feel this?" one of them asked, you supposed they were poking your eye, "No."

They put a mask over your mouth and you began to inhale. Your body began to shut down and you fell asleep soon after. 

About an hour passed by and your surgery was almost over. You slept during the whole process which was good. You woke up in another bed. You assumed you were back in your bed. There were bandages wrapped around your eyes to protect them from intense light. 

"Princess, you're awake," a voice said next to you.

"Yoongi," you smiled slightly. "You did it!" he said excitedly. 

"I know I'm not supposed to ask questions but... Why don't you want the surgery? Cancer is really serious..." You asked him.

"If you know you shouldn't ask questions, why do you ask them?" 

"Because I care."

"Pfft. As if." You reached and felt his hand. You held it for two seconds before he yanked it away. "No, you're not going to try to get me to tell you."

"Why'd you apologize to me last night?.." 

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