Chapter 24- Lucky

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Edited: two sentences changed.

You woke up soon after because you felt a painful kick from the baby. You breathed heavily as she continued to kick. 

"Yoooongi," You whined. The boy remained asleep. You held onto your stomach and continued to squirm. He groaned because of the commotion and sat up. You stared at his bare chest and hid your blush with pain. 

"She's hurting meee," You complained. He put a hand on your belly and leaned down to kiss it. 

"Stop hurting mommy, she's very delicate and precious," He whispered. You looked down at him and he smiled. Your brain was filled with fireworks. It was the same feeling you got every time he smiled.

There's that one cliche where somebody says, "When they smile, the world lights up." You've never taken it literally. But after meeting Min Yoongi, you knew what it meant. It wasn't the world in general. It was just you. Your heart filled with a special feeling, it was warm and fuzzy. Your head keeps repeating the same thing.

Do it again.

You lean down and kiss his forehead.

"We should clean up and start booking planes," You smiled at him. His eyes glistened and he nodded enthusiastically. He was like an excited child. You couldn't help but throw your arms around him. 

His smile, the way he made your stomach flutter with butterflies, the way he looked at you, the way he felt in your arms, this is probably what heaven feels like. He'll love it there. The angels will accept him as soon as they see him. He's a troubled angel already. Soon enough, he'll learn to fly and he'll be with you forever.

He'll meet your mom for the first time. They'll hug and talk about you for hours. They'll put their chins on their palms as they watch you grow up. Yoongi will have to see you raise your daughter, and most likely remarry. It'll break his heart but he knows you'll love him as long as he'll love you. 

You thought all of this and your heart felt weak. You shed a single tear. It dropped onto his bare back. He pulled away from you. He leaned forward and kissed your next tear away.

"You're so bad at this," He chuckled, "The whole, 'stay in the moment' thing."

You laughed quietly and nodded, "I'm sorry." He pressed his lips to yours quickly and then stood up. 

"Less crying, more plane booking," He said. You smiled.

After the both of you showered, you sat down at the table and looked on your laptop for plane tickets. He read most of the websites since your vision sucked. The two of you had settled on going to Hawaii for your vacation. Maui to be specific.

"Yoongs this is almost ₩ 1,125,115!!" ($1000) 

"Don't worry about it," He said calmly. 

"Where are you getting this money from?" You asked him curiously.

"My mom sends me money for medication, but I haven't used it. I paid for treatment with my own money. I don't want her pity, I don't need that shit from her," He answered in an angry, low voice. You sighed.

"How much is it in total?" 

"One million US dollars. She's a lawyer, and my dad owns the biggest restaurant in Busan," He answered. 

"One million?! That's a lot..." 

"I have nowhere else to use it since I'm facing an inevitable death," He laughed. But his smile faded when he saw your eyes lose their sparkle. 

"I'm- I'm really sorry I didn't think you'd-" He tried to explain before you shook your head.

"I don't have time to argue with you. Four months, Yoongi. That's all we got. Now, book the tickets." 

The next thing you knew, the both of you were packing your bags the next day to go to the airport the following morning. 

You shoved one last pair of shorts in your suitcase and groaned when the zipper didn't close. After what could've been a billion tugs, you got it to zip up. You wiped your forehead and stood up. 

When you got up, you were faced with Yoongi's presence. 

"Oh hi," You blushed. He moved hair from your eyes and smiled.

"Hey," He responded.

"Are you ready for insane jet-lag?" You asked enthusiastically with a thumbs up.

"No. But are youu ready for the five star hotel we booked and the amazing sights to see in America?" He asked. Your face broke into a big smile and you nodded.

"Then let's go to sleep so we can be there in a blink of an eye," He said. You ran to your bed and pulled the covers over yourself. Then you fake snored and pretended to be asleep.

He laid down beside you and pulled you close to him.

"I love you, I really do. It's insane," He whispered in your ear.

"And I love you just as much. It's crazy right?" You responded quietly.

"I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again. But I didn't have faith. I lost it all when you left me. And now, I realize that I should've fought harder at the time. I should've taken the medication when I was able to. Maybe I'd have at least another few years with you. But I believed that nobody was there for me anymore. You and that beautiful daughter of yours are the only thing keeping me from giving up so soon," He ranted.

"You didn't know. I don't blame you. But right now just know that I love you. We love you. You'll get to see her and I'll tell her stories of her amazing father. The tales of the coolest dad and his extraordinary vacation to Hawaii," You whispered.

"She's lucky to have you. Anybody is. I got lucky to have you come back to me after every shitty, messed up thing I did to you," He mumbled into your shoulder.

"Loving means to forgive and I forgive everything you've done. Hating you would just make my life ten times harder. Plus, how can I not love you?" You asked as you turned to face him.

"I don't know. I'm pretty amazing, aren't I?" He smirked.

"Absolutely," You yawned. He kissed your forehead and you fell asleep about two seconds after.

Hold on tight, Min Yoongi. We need you. 

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