Chapter 16- Bandages

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"Yes, Miss L/N. You're pregnant. Congratulations!" A nurse exclaimed, you began to sob. You didn't know what to do. You were twenty and pregnant. You were taking dance at college AND you were blind.

"You don't seem happy," the doctor noted, "Would we have to schedule an abortion?"

"N-No! I- I don't know what to say. I can't be p-pregnant. I didn't mean to! I'm supposed to go to school, get good grades, get a job, and then decide if I want to have kids. Not the other way around," you sobbed.

"Miss... This is why condoms were invented,"  a nurse pointed out.

"Shut the fuck up, Susan." 

"My name is Kelly-"

"I don't give a fuck about what your name is," you answered angrily. 

"If you have any further questions on your pregnancy, feel free to ask us. We have an idea of who the father can be but we won't assume. A man named Park Jimin came in here asking for his girlfriend 'Y/N' but we told him he couldn't visit since you never mentioned having a boyfriend. We're assuming that's the father." The doctor said.

Your breath cut short and you gulped loudly. 

"I'll think about it," You said. 

Your bandages were meant to come off today so that's another reason the doctors were here. 

"We can take the bandages off now if you'd like," the doctor announced. You took a deep breath and nodded.

The doctor placed a hand on your shoulder as he unwrapped the first layer. Then came the next. The bandages came off slowly but you could see the darkness getting lighter. Could you actually be seeing?!

A bright light came through and you closed your eyes. The doctor took off the last bandage and you opened your eyes slowly.

Being blind had set you back. You couldn't talk to people the same anymore. They looked at you as if you were crazy. They constantly teased you and told you to look at them and not their friend. 

You crashed into so many things that you were excited to finally see your bruises. You've fallen more times than you could count. You wondered what Yoongi looked like. You were hating the idea of seeing Suga again. 

You had met so many people during your blindness that you wondered what they looked like. I guess now you would know...

A/N: are you ready? Will Y/N be able to see again? Here we go.

When your eyes came open, you saw everything. Not in much detail. It was about 20/200 but you could see! Everything was really blurry. You couldn't see faces but you could see figures. It wasn't absolute darkness anymore. You rubbed your eyes and laughed.

The nurse was tall and blonde. The doctor was bald and short. You looked at your hands and laughed again. Suddenly, you remembered... Yoongi.

You turned your head quickly to look at him. He was gone. You stood up.

"I need to go find Yoongi," you exclaimed, leaving the doctor and nurse. You went off looking for him. 

You went out to the garden. You still couldn't see well but you could see blurred people. You saw a guy sitting on a bench with his face in his hands. You ran to him.

Just as you were about to wrap your arms around him and talk about how the two of you could finally see each other. How happy you were to finally know what he looks like. But your words caught in your throat as you saw his figures.

His black hair was cut short... His pale skin shined in the sun... His hands looked just like hands you remembered. His legs were skinny and frail. But you lost it when he looked into your eyes.


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