Chapter 14- Like This

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Edited: Grammar fixed, detail added.

"Apologized?" he laughed nervously. 

"You kissed my forehead and told me to forgive you. Why should I forgive you?" you asked him in an urgent tone.

"I don't know. I guess because I've been a jerk to you since we met and you're not that bad of a person," he explained.

"You should've just told me when I was awake!" you laughed at him.

"Yah! That's embarrassing!" 

"You love me," you winked. "Ew, hell no." 

"You hurt me, Min Yoongi." 

"I'm bored of this conversation," he yawned, "Move on, princess."

"Fine, let's talk about your past girlfriends," you suggested. 

"Let's not, because I haven't had one," he answered sarcastically. 

"I've had threeee boyfriends in total, don't you wish you could relate?" you smirked.

"I don't have crushes on people," he responded smugly.

"So, what about that girl you kissed a few times and hurt?" you asked him.

"She was cute and I thought she was cool. She intrigued me," he answered. You smiled evilly.

"Why are you doing that?" he asked.

"Oh shoot sorry. I forgot that you could see me." you laughed and he scoffed. 

"What type of medication are you on, by the way?" You questioned.

"Just pills and oxygen masks for now. I don't have the money for chemo yet but I could care less about getting better" he answered boringly.

"Why wouldn't you want to get better?" you asked sadly. He hummed.

"I don't have many people to go back to. My friends are all pricks and my family hates my guts. I have no reason to fight," He responded. Your heart fucking dropped to your feet. 

"Y-Yoongi- Don't say that. I'm sure there are people that will care if you stopped fighting. Your parents are still your parents after all..."

"They told me to rot in hell. I don't think they'd even attend my funeral," he scoffed.

"You have people to fight for. That one girl you drew in and hurt, I bet she'd care. Your prick friends would care," you explained in a rush.

"I don't have crushes on people," he responded quietly. 

"I bet if you did, you would have a girlfriend. Maybe not even a girlfriend- Just... Somebody to keep you going... To keep you strong," you continued to blurt out. 

"Can't that be a friend?" He asked.

"W-Well maybe. But a partner is more reliable."

"I don't know how to feel that way. I haven't been in love with somebody before. What if I mess something up?" He panicked.

"You have to trust yourself and that person enough. That's just how it is. Scary, but real," you smiled sweetly. Suddenly, you heard a small laugh come from him that warmed your heart.

"Okay. I'll fight for somebody," he said suddenly. 

"That's amazing! Who is it?" You asked. 

"I don't know yet..."



"How do you know if you're in love with somebody and it's not just a crush?" He asked curiously. His tone had turned a lot lower and it had a husky sound to it. 

"You just feel it, Min," You giggled. "What does it feel like?" he asked.

He was extremely close to you now. You could feel his breath on your lips. You gulped and licked your lips a little. You took his left hand into yours and placed your right hand under his chin. You pulled him closer to you, "Like this," you said before you attached your lips to his. 

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