Chapter 4- Silence

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Edited: storyline shifted, dialogue changed.

"Are you stupid? Why the hell would I drug your drink?" he asked angrily.

"Why else would you be here?!" you yelled.

"I WAS THE ONE WHO CALLED THE POLICE!" he retorted; his voice loud and intimidating.

"You... You called the police?" you asked; your voice becoming soft.

"Why would you? I was going to become blind anyways and this hospital isn't doing shit about it," you continued; raising your voice again.

"You know what? You're an ungrateful bitch. Maybe I should've just left you there. Why would I even give a single fuck?" he asked; his voice becoming distant.

"Suga wait!" you yelled at the top of your lungs; shaking your bed.

You were left alone in the silence. This was the scariest thing you've ever felt in your life. You took deep breaths and your teeth chattered.

You heard a sigh and he came back to you.

"I'm sorry, y/n. You didn't deserve this..."

And it became cold again.

Hours went by; maybe minutes. You were barely attended to. You had to be fed by the nurses and it was awkward as heck. You tried to hold onto the memories of color, and objects. You tried to hold onto the face of your mother, Jimin, and everybody else you loved. 

That's the only thing you tried to hold onto. Everything else was useless, you didn't want to remember it. The first time you got drunk, you got blinded. Isn't that just great. 

"Miss L/N, you're free to go home tomorrow morning. We know everything we need to know about your condition," the male doctor said.

"Will I ever see again?" you asked.

"I'm sorry... But, your vision is gone forever," he answered and you nodded sadly. 

"We've asked for a student at your college to be your guide. Her major is dance and her minor is health. She'll help you get around and she'll teach you braille. She's working towards her bachelor's degree and you two will get along just fine," he announced.

"I don't need a guide," you retorted.

"Yes you do," the doctor stated. You took a deep breath and nodded.

"Did Suga leave?" you asked him. You didn't get a response but you simply felt his presence disappear.  You closed your eyes and fell asleep soon after. 

You woke up the next morning after feeling a tap on your shoulder. You freaked out and remembered you were blind. 

"Hey, Y/N!" a female voice greeted you. 

"Hi random girl that I can't see," you answered and she giggled.

"My name is Kim Breann! I'm your guide," she introduced herself. 

"Oh... Nice to meet you," you said. 

"Today we'll just be getting to know each other if that's cool," she asked.

"Yeah, sounds... Cool." 

 You attempted to get off your bed and you almost fell off but Breann caught you. 

"Careful," she whispered as she helped you stand up. After a few minutes of struggling, complaining, and bruising. Breann finally got you to her car. 

"I'll be helping you for about a year," she said as she drove.

"I didn't need help," you retorted.

"Keep saying that," she laughed. Another few minutes went by and you two arrived at a park. She guided you off of the car. You pushed her arm off and tried to walk by yourself. You stepped on something and it hurt.

"OWWWW!" you yelled.

"You stepped on a rock, need my help now don't ya?" she asked as she took your elbow. She helped you to a bench and sat you down.

"You don't know me and I don't know you. But we can change that," she said casually as she sat next to you.

"I have two siblings. I don't talk to my sister anymore but my brother, Kim Namjoon goes to our school. He's older than me by two years. He's taking physiology. Maybe you knew him," she explained. You nodded, he was popular and smart. Really cute too. 

"I have two siblings. I don't see them much, but now I can't see them at all," you said. After a few awkward seconds, you laughed. She joined you with a small chuckle. The two of you continued to talk for about three hours. 

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" you asked her. 

"I wish," she laughed. 

"Do you like anybody at our school?" you asked her. You heard a sigh.

"Welllll. I guess there's somebody," her voice trailed off.


"He's really popular and I'm just... not," she answered. 

"Is it Suga?" you asked her bluntly.

"No way! It's one of his friends," she whispered. You could tell she was blushing. 

"Is he one of the slut boys?" You asked and she laughed.

"Not really, he's shy." The two of you continued to talk for another while before she told you it was time you should go eat. 

The two of you walked to the college's coffee shop to have coffee and donuts for dinner. You heard her say ew as you sat down.

"What's wrong?" you asked. 

"PDA in the corner booth," she answered as she sat across from you.

"Who and who?" you asked curiously.

"Jeno and Yura," she responded bluntly.

"What are they doing?" you asked.

"Traumatizing things... Kissing, grabbing, all that good stuff," she laughed. Even though you felt a sharp jolt in your stomach, she made you laugh.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" you asked Breann, trying to switch the topic.

"Yeah," she laughed.

"Who was it?" you asked.

"My ex boyfriend, slash, best friend. His name is Seokjin. He's a lot older than me, and he knew I had a crush on him, so on my eighteenth birthday, he kissed me. It was really awkward but, we dated a bit after that. Then we broke up because he found out that I wasn't going to the same college with him," Breann explained. You liked listening to her stories since they were intriguing and you couldn't watch TV.

"What about you?" she asked.

"Well... I did. With my best friend, Jimin. We were both nervous about being high school lip virgins. So we got our first kisses over with together. It was weird but we don't talk about it anymore," you laughed. 

"Oh shit," Breann chuckled. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

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