Chapter 10- Enough

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Edited: Storyline changed, more dialogue.

You heard quiet coughing coming from Yoongi's bed. The coughing started to get more aggressive until you heard it get clogged. You smelled blood. 

"Yoongi?! Are you okay?! I'm calling a nurse," you panicked. "No. Fuck off," he grunted as he continued to cough up blood. You pressed the nurse button on your bed. A nurse rushed into the room and you heard Yoongi curse as she helped him sit back up.

The nurse left soon afterward and the room was silent. 

"You're to call me Min. Not Yoongi. We aren't friends, alright, L/N?" he warned. You laughed.

"You're acting tough, Mr. Dead Lungs," you teased. 

"Fuck off," he said.

"We're stuck in this room until my surgery and until you're better. We should at least get to know each other a bit more," you offered.

"I don't want to get to know you."

"Ouch," you whispered. 

"Please try not to talk to me," he warned and you laughed.

"Goodnight, Min." 

"Sleep terribly, L/N." 

"Aw stop I'm blushing," you teased. Suddenly you heard quiet snoring and you smiled to yourself before going to sleep yourself. His cold attitude towards you made you somewhat fond of him.

You must've woken up ten times to Yoongi having a coughing fit. You practically didn't sleep but it was okay. You couldn't sleep either. Your mind was focused on tons of things such as Jimin, Breann, and... Even Suga.

You woke up to Yoongi coughing again and pressed the time button on your bed. The machine spoke and said, "6:33am." You yawned and sat up. You were ready for the day. You were going to be on a wheel chair since you twisted your ankle and injured your knee. 

A nurse came in and told Yoongi to go shower. Later on, she came back and helped you shower. It was embarrassing but... Okay. Breann came by while you were sleeping to get you a few outfits. She couldn't visit you now because of class but she was worried sick.

"Hey, Min!" you said as you were rolled into the room.

"Leave me alone today, please," he scolded.

"Please talk to me, audio is all I have," you whined.

"You're annoying," he informed you. 

"Explain why," you told him. You heard a quiet chuckle but then he started to cough again. You took a deep breath and wondered why he did this to himself.

"Do you go to my college? I've never heard of a Min Yoongi before," you asked him.

"Yeah, I'm older than you," he told you.

"I'm a music and dance student. I'm on my last year. But I'll probably have to retake it since I'm missing a lot," he continued.

"Oh that's cool. I'm taking the same classes!" you announced and he scoffed. 

"Why don't you like me?" You asked him.

"It's not that I don't like you I just don't enjoy company," He answered.

"That's understandable," You responded with a soft smile. A few hours went by and the two of you just talked. You talked about nothing important. But, you knew that you were growing closer. Except... He didn't let you ask questions about him.There was something about his voice that lured you in and made you want to talk to him more. 

"That's enough conversation for one day," he said. Then he didn't talk to you for the rest of the day. 

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