Chapter 6- Closer

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Edited: More dialogue, more description.

You got dressed for the party. You knew how to dress yourself, Breann taught you how to do that. You straightened your hair and burnt yourself a few times, but physical pain came with being blind.

 You straightened your hair and burnt yourself a few times, but physical pain came with being blind

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You came out of the dorm room at about 9:15pm. You got to Suga's dorm at about 9:20pm. You heard loud music blasting from inside the room. You took a deep breath and walked in. You knew everybody was staring at you. But, you learned to not give a single shit. You couldn't see them, so why did it matter?

You heard a few guys wolf whistle but you ignored them. You went to the corner of the room and listened to the music.

Suga came next to you.

"You managed to make it," he whispered. You knew for a fact that he was smirking.

"I arranged my schedule," you retorted and he laughed.

"You know, everybody's looking at us," he whispered.

"I know."

"Do you care?" he asked.

"Nope, can't see them," you answered and he laughed.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked. You nodded. He handed you a cup and you took it. You took a sip and felt the alcohol rush through your system. After a few more drinks, common sense kinda left your side.

You danced next to Suga and you felt his hands grab your waist. You pressed yourself against him. Balance seemed to be difficult since you were both blind and drunk.

"Come closer, " he said as he saw you lost balance again. You leaned onto him.

"Everybody's looking again," he said and you felt his breath on your face as you stopped dancing.


And with that, he swooped his lips onto yours. You felt like passing out, dying, or maybe screaming. You tasted alcohol through the kiss and it was odd.

~Next Day~

You woke up and opened your eyes. Once again you saw nothing, but you were used to it. Your head was pounding and you stood up. You were still in your dress. You dragged a finger against your bottom lip and gasped. You remembered yesterday.

You sighed and walked over to get some coffee. You were sort of excited for the day. You wanted to talk to Suga and go over what had happened. After having breakfast and getting ready, you left the room.

You assumed Suga would be in the band room again. So, you walked there. You heard female giggles coming from the piano room. You stopped as you heard Suga talking to her.

"We should hang out again, today was fun," he said and there was a click that sounded like a kiss.

"Suga? Are you in there?" you asked.

"Is it that blind bitch again?" the girl asked.

"Yura, I'll catch up with you later," he told her. There was another click.

She left the room, shoved you, and said, "Watch where you're standing."

"You have a girlfriend?!" you angrily asked.


"What was that then?!"

"Side chick," he answered.

"Is that what I am?" you asked.

"Do you think I'd want to date a blind girl?" He asked in a suddenly irritated tone.

"But this is your fault!" you yelled.

"Get out," he warned and you could tell he was getting mad. 

Little did you know, your next words would make him snap. Everything that happened was his fault and he knew it. But, he hated coming to terms with it.

"No!! I'm blind because of you!"

"GET THE FUCK OUT! I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" he yelled. You scoffed and left with tears in your eyes.

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