Chapter 11- Deal

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Edited: Storyline shifted. Detail added.

You woke up the next morning with your hands shaking. You were really cold and you were shivering. You pressed the time button and the bed answered, "6:22am." You heard quiet whispering next to you. 

You listened closely and you heard something odd. You could've sworn he was saying, "Y/N."

"Min," you called to him. He didn't answer, "Min!" 

"What do you want?!" Yoongi yelled at you.

"You seemed to be having a nightmare," you informed him. 

"It was a good dream. Why did you wake me up?!" he angrily asked.

"You know what, Min Yoongi?  I didn't mean to wake you up. I'd also really appreciate you not being a jerk to me every two seconds and then sweet when you feel like it!" you yelled at him. You heard him scoff loudly.

"So what do you say, Min? Are you going to cooperate with me or continue to be a dick?" 

"The second option sounds just fine to me," he answered smugly. You rolled your eyes.

"I'm playing. Look, let's make a deal alright?" he asked. You lifted your head in curiosity. 

"You promise to stop asking questions about me and I'll quit being a jerk all the time," he offered and you brought your head back down with a sigh.

"How can you get to know somebody without asking questions?" you asked him.

"You don't," he said, before you asked further questions, "I don't want you to get to know me." You muttered an, "Oh."

"We can talk about you as much as you'd like, but we can't talk about me. Alright?" he continued. You closed your eyes nervously and gulped.

"We're going to be here a while," you whispered. He smiled slightly but you couldn't see him. 

"I'm going out to the garden," he said as he got up from the bed. You heard him walk out of the room. You yawned and shifted in your bed. You were about to close your eyes and sleep when you heard Yoongi ask, "Wanna come?"

Your eyes widened and you got up quickly, hurting yourself. You didn't mind though. You needed to get your wheel chair but you didn't know where it was. You felt hands grab your elbow and help you off the bed. He had strong hands and it made your heartbeat speed up. 

You got on your wheel chair with his help. You thanked him as he began to roll you down the hospital hallways. You went there in complete silence. You felt the warm sun hit your skin as you were led outside. 

"What does this place look like?" you asked him as you came to a stop.

"Uh. There's trees and bushes. There's a huge water fountain in the middle of everything. There's a few old people sitting together chatting," he explained. 

"Yoongi-" you began to talk before he corrected you, "Min."

"Fine, Min. So what do you want to ask about me?" you asked him. He hummed.

"First of all, what's your birth city?" he asked.

"I was born in Daegu," you answered.

"Did you have any friends at your high school?"

"Yeah. I had a lot actually. I had one best friend though. But I'm pretty sure he hates me now..." your voice trailed off as you thought of Jimin.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked in his casual, annoyed voice. 

"We dated and when I refused to have sex with him, he got mad and left me."

"That's a dick move," he scoffed, "You shouldn't even touch a lady without consent."

"Have you... You know, done it?" you asked him, hoping he'd answer.

"I said no questions about me," he retorted angrily. 


"I think we should go back in, it's almost time for your shower," Yoongi whispered. You were about to respond before he started rolling you back. The feeling of the sun was gone and replaced with a cold aura. He helped you onto your bed and you heard him leave without saying goodbye.

That night, before you slept, you were reading a braille book. You heard Yoongi come back into the room and he laid on his bed. You heard him pull the curtains. You sighed as you put the book down and prepared yourself to sleep.

"No," Yoongi said out loud. 

"What?" you asked.

"I haven't done what you asked me earlier," he responded quietly.


"Yeah... Oh..." he replied before he fixed himself on his bed and went to sleep. 

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