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I hear a ring at the door bell and look down at my phone . 7:02 .

"I'll get it." I walk to the front door and open it. Just then, Alex comes up behind and says,

"Hey Haley and uh Jc right? Is maddie and her ghetto ass boyfriend coming too?" Alex said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah theyre on their way." Haley said. Haley was was pretty. She was wearing a Vans tank top with a pink bandeau and some navy blue shorts. her outfit looked beautiful on her.

"Well Haley, this is Matt." Alex said behind me. But before i could let her in the house she just froze, staring at me.

I looked back at her, "Uh, hi." is all that managaed to come out of my mouth.

"Matt i watch your videos everyday! i cant believe this. you are seriously so funny. It's so nice to meet you excuse my Fangirling"

"Thanks, Haley. I like you already." Haley walked in the house, and walks over by Connor and Jenn, who had been here all day. "hey jc bro, whats up?" Jc bro - hugged me and walked over to get drinks for him and haley. I just hope Jc's not her boyfriend. I really wanna to get to know this girl.

Another ring at he doorbell. Sam is standing in the doorway. Two girls follow him in our house. i recognize one of them from Alex's old pictures. Oh shit. i think thats maddie. as in

ex-Maddie... Well this should be an interesting night!

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