Chapter 44

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The music was blaring and everybody was dancing crazy. I don't mind weddings, my favorite part was definitely the Champagne! I saw alex sitting alone fumbling with his tie. I haven't talked to him sense he carried me to my moms car.

"Why aren't you dancing ?" I asked the sitting alex "I don't dance" he said with a Duh expression on his face.

"Then I guess I need another drink" I said handing him my empty glass. Alex returned 10minutes later with a half glass gone. "What happened to my drink ?"

"Uh I got thirsty"

"then I guess we will need a whole bottle ?"

"I guess" alex pushed me

"did I stutter mr. Constancio ?" I pushed him back. 3minutes later alex had returned again but with a full bottle of champagne. I approached him stopping so our faces were only inches apart before grabbing the bottle from his hands and walking away with a wink "thanks alex" I said and smirked.


that girl really knows how to take someone's breath away. I've turned into her 'tease' again. before me and Maddie were dating, she did the same thing she was always a tease leaving me with wanting more of her, she was like an drug to me. She was dancing with the champagne bottle.

"Come dance" she waved me over.

"I'm good thanks!" I said smiling shaking my head. She contuined to dance as taylor approached me

"Hey dude" he said as we did our famous handshake. I knew taylor my whole life, he's one of my dad's best friends. "so are you gonna dance with Maddie or am I going to have to dance with her for you" he winked

"You just got married!" I joked. hitting him in the arm laughing.

"I know,I know but what happened between you two? You were so in love with her." taylor asked

"Reality got in the way, and yeah still am."

"Then what are you doing talking to me ? go get her!" taylor pointed to Maddie who has now joined with the bride dancing.

"She has a boyfriend and I don't think he loves her"I looked down at the floor it's sad to think she was once mine.

"when did that become mandatory for love makin? And get yo ass up and follow my lead." I stood up following taylor towards the girls.

"Hmmm wonder who these sexy ladies are?" taylor said his wife laughed and they walked off else where to dance so that left me and Maddie alone.

"What's up tease?"

"I am not a tease!"

"You are the biggest tease I know!" I yelled over the music. We laughed and danced all night. the last dance came on it was a slow dance.

"May I have this last dance ?" I said asking the flawless girl

"Of course Alexander" she put her arms around my neck.

"So how's you and sam?" I asked grabbing her waist pulling her close.

"Were good" she said in an awkward tone

"Can I just say something ?" I asked getting nerves

"You can say whatever you want as long as I can do the same."

"You have this idea in your head that life is like a Fairy tale and there are no screw ups in this world, well real life is fucking hard and relationships aren't meant to be perfect. No man is going to treat a women like they want to be treated, but that's life and I'm praying that you will take my bullshit apology and give me one last chance because I love you."

"Well Alex you have a good point, but you're wrong Sam does treat me how I want to be treated, and I will forgive you but were not getting back together I love sam and I wish you would respect that and back off this whole idea you have of us getting back together." Maddie said walking away.

"MADS" I yelled calling after her

"YOU CAN'T BE FIXED BY THE SAME PERSON WHO BROKE YOU!" Maddie said as she grabbed her stuff and left.

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