Chapter 43

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"You're flight leaves in an hour,so we should get going I'll drive you." Sam said popping his head around the door frame of my bedroom.

"What are you doing? come here and love me!" I said in a pouty voice. Sam smiled and walked over to me climbing in next to me since I was laying in bed with my laptop. He kissed my cheek then asked.

"what were you watching?" Sam said as I quickly clicked out of my YouTube tab.

"Oh nothing" I said blushing. Sam laughed and took the laptop off my lap. I covered my face in embarrassment as he clicked the tab leading him to his own YouTube channel.

"Haha my old videos are so embarrassing"

"There cute just like you" I said as I kissed his nose and climbed off the bed pulling on my sweatshirt and grabbing my bag.


"I love you guys, see you in 2days!" I waved as I boarded the plane to ohio. I get on the plane and notice that not everybody was on it yet. I had gotten a window seat and it was only a 2seat row. I looked down at my phone to see texts from Sam saying he missed me already and to have a good flight.

Haha "hey love" I looked up to see Alex. he was wearing distressed jeans a black sweatshirt with white writing on it and a black hat with the letter 'p' printed on it with gold. he sat down next to me and put his hand on my leg.

"What are the chances?" I said leaning in for a hug.

"Going to Kristen wedding ?" Alex asked

"You're going too?" i asked in confusion I knew Alex knew Kristen but not good enough to go to her wedding.

"I'm close to Taylor, who Kristen is marring" he Clarified.

"Oh gotcha!" I said as the plane took off and I found myself very sleepy.


Maddie had fallen asleep on my shoulder during the flight. She looked so peaceful and snuggled up in my arms. how I let her go I don't know what I was thinking.

"Well hello there sleeping beauty." I said as Maddie sat up her hair ruffled.

"Haha looking cute as always, here take my hat." I winked and pulled my hat off and placed it on Maddie head.

"Thanks you Alex, but now everyone can see your hair." she used her hands to fix my hair as she giggle at my hat hair. "There" she smiled and put her headphones in laying her head back down on my shoulder and drifting back to sleep for the last half hour of our flight.


"Oh no I got her michelle." I said as I was holding Maddie in my arms carrying her to her mothers car.

"Well how nice of you Alex" maddie's mom said i set Maddie down in the front seat bucking her up

"What's going on?" Maddie mumbled

"Shhh mads you're in your moms car back in ohio the flights over."

"Oh thanks, see you tomorrow at the wedding ?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I took my hat off Maddie's head and closed the car door. Soon after they drove off"

A life in California ( An O2L fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang