Shelly - My Fault 8b

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Shelly – My Fault

Brit was busy watching the elimination fights. The three that survived the competition were the ones he had predicted. One was ranked two spots higher than him. The other two were his sparring buddies from the Academy Chris and Baxter. Barbara and Deloris had come with them.

Mom and Dad had invited them to stay with us. They all agreed, and Brit accepted the invitation. He told me he wanted to talk with me to clear the air. I did not hesitate to take his offer. He seemed relaxed. There no anger in his eyes.

Possibly God was with me. He had changed the three years we were apart. He seemed happy. A calmness over took him. The Thursday before his fights Mom had invited everybody to supper. Deloris sat next to him looking like a model in a fashion magazine. They were holding hands at the table. My dreams crashed.

Jimmy John James aka 'THE HAMMER' was Brit's, aka ',' first rival. The man was about 100 pounds heavier and a head taller with a wide scar and a scowl on his face. He and Brit sidestepped around the ring which seemed like forever. I looked at my watch and discovered that only a half a minute had expired. They came at each other hitting and kicking with speed I had never witnessed. Every kick and hit were blocked by each opponent.

They circled the ring one more time. Jimmy John landed a hit below Brit's left eye. Brit stumbled around the ring with a bewildered look. The Hammer swung his arm around like he would pound my brother and true love through the mat. I gasped just knowing this might be the end.

Brit tilted his head to the left about an inch. The power punch missed him by an eighth of an inch. That permitted him to grab his competitor's wrist, which he twisted, flipping the heavier man to the mat with a loud smash. Jimmy John was passed out on the floor of the ring.

Brit exhibited a smirk of a smile similar to the one Dog use to have. The applause brought the assembly to their feet, and he bowed to the crowd with a Thai Wye. They were hooting, hollering and hopping up and down.

The next match he took on his two buddies simultaneously. But before the match he put on a blindfold and a black bag over his head like Uncle Bobby use to do.

The duo came at him. Baxter entered starting at the front, and the other from the rear. Brit took the one facing him down with a knee jerk to the groin. Chris was approaching from the backside and received a kick to the back of the knee. Both were slumped over on the mat.

Brit met with me after the fights. He took me to a late lunch. We were both quiet while the TUK-TUK driver was taking us to a new five star restaurant in Old Town. We had a private dining room. Brit did most of the talking. I responded little. I mostly nodded my head in agreement.

Brit started, "Dad and Mom told me about the mail problems. I'm sorry that happened. They said you take full responsibility for the break up. On my part, I did not know how to respond to you. Disappointment and anger surged through me. I miss the old you and me. It was tough not being able to talk with you. I guess the break up was inevitable. It gave me courage to step out of my reclusive lifestyle.

It made me jump out and face my deepest fears. I discovered that I need not depend on you to make me content. My job makes me happy. I have a life with new friends. My girl is one beautiful lady. I hope we can remain cordial. Drop me a line sometimes to keep me up to date on The Son of Dog. I love you as a sister, and hope you feel the same way."

His little speech dumbfounded me. Words would not come to my lips. The next twenty minutes we gazed at each other. We did not talk. Neither of us ate much. I was crying inside. Fear kept me from telling him how I feel.

Deloris heard me crying in my room. She came in and sat on the bottom of my bed. She said, "You still love him don't you." I nodded my head.

"All he talks about is you. The problem is that he does not realize he is still in love with you. I love him too, and would be proud to marry him, but he does not love me. He thinks he does, but he is too stubborn to admit that he does not." We both hugged while crying on the others shoulder.

Then she said, "He is supposed to be one of the smartest men in the world, but he is dumb when it comes to women."

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