The Family A History of Love and Trust Part 13c

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The Family A History of Love and Trust

It was a complete astonishment when I entered the meeting of the brightest minds in the world and found Momma and Shelly there. would be next on my list of women that I respect. The only other man at the conference was Rakha Tingkee, the richest man in the world. Aunts Dawkmymy and Nang Chom are rich, but I did not know how rich. The other five women controlled half the world's wealth.

All the women are members of The Society of Respected Mothers Garden Club. I had seen them at various meetings. They had laughed at my mundane jokes. The biggest surprise was General Green's wife. She is the only daughter to Georgia's former industrialist billionaire.

"We are the Mae Kāâng Hu (แม่ของอู่ - Mothers of the Cradle.) We guide but do not control the Society of the Respected Mothers Garden Club. Our founder was Mae Sua (Tiger Mother) who was your Mother's, Nang Chom's and Dawkmymy's great aunt. She had the power to see into the future with clarity and understanding. She was the richest woman in the world. Her wealth was divided among her great nieces who currently control much of the worlds finances.

Shelly is a great-great niece by adoption, and you are a great-great nephew by adoption. Your Great Aunt Mae Sua saw both of you in a vision before you were born. The two of you are in her will. There is $1,000,000 (twenty million Baht) deposited in each of your bank accounts today. You can roll them over into annuities, CDs, spend as you like, or give it away. The choice is yours.

Your extensive notes have been converted into several books. Your Smooth Thunder comic books, and video tapes are selling very well. You will probably clear another million dollars in royalties from these. We have attorneys and accountants to help you decide what to do with your money. You have products with patents that will generate a substantial income."

"I have determined what I want to do with my million dollar inheritance. I want to help fund the salaries of the new workers that will be hired by the industrial complexes in Issan. As you will see in my proposals, the money you donated to build and supply the facilities for the first year will be completely exhausted."

Shelly echoed, "I will give my million to the worthy cause!"

Mrs. Green smiled and said, "That is very generous of you two! The two million that you donate will cover their salaries for a full year, maybe more. After that the income from the complexes should be more than adequate to cover salaries, other costs of production and expenses. If that is not sufficient to safeguard the amount needed, we will supplement any extra required!"

I looked at Shelly, and she nodded back at me, as I said, "Furthermore, Shelly and I will contribute fifty percent of our earnings above my Air Force Salary to the Regal Garment Co-op. They train downtrodden women to embrace a new life. Also, three tenths of our extra income will go to the foundation started by My Quam Suk and Laam Kaa to hire engineers and office personnel to research other opportunities."

After discussing the plans for a couple hours, the group made a few minor changes. Everything was put in motion to start building four new industrial complexes immediately, and several more later. My breathing increased causing my lungs to expand. Thousands of impoverished families will receive a new hope for fulfillment. First in construction jobs and then in long turn employment.

Shelly came up to me after the meeting saying, "You made a bunch of women happy."

"I told them the truth, but it was like interviewing for a job."

"It was. You were interrogated for the biggest non-paying job of your life. However, it will impact you more than any other occupation. These women control media, multi-billion dollar industries, and even what happens with presidential administrations!"

"How do you have knowledge of these women?"

"I was with them - Momma and Aunt Mae Sua from the time I was ten years old. We met at least twice a year. but now we will meet once a week until these projects get started. We mostly talk about international concerns, and sometimes about internal things like today!"

"Why did I not recognize this until today?"

"It is because they are a quiet group. They only reveal themselves to people they trust. Some things are beyond their control. The Vietnam war is controlled by lunatic power-hungry people outside the country."

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