Shelly - The Aftermath Part 16a

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Shelly – The Aftermath

There was something different about Brit. He was gloomy. They had freed four hundred and fifty people. He told Momma and me that twelve of the Chinese soldiers were kids and were as much imprisoned as the POWs.

He said, "How can some people hurt others and have no compassion? The depravity I saw this week makes me want to puke. They crush and throw away people like we dispose of coke cans."

Then he went quiet. Momma and I recognized that his thoughts were distant. His speech diminished. There was a sullen look in his eyes. He mumbled something unintelligible.

Momma inquired, "What did you say young man?"

"It does not matter how many people we save. There will always be more that we did not liberate," I did not know how to respond, but Mom said, "Thank God for the ones you did release! Hundreds will receive joy that their husband or father is returning home."

I inserted, "The villagers displaced will be trained to return to their own countries with new skills. The ones that remain in Thailand will acquire skills to make clothing and run a business. All will receive financial assistance to start a new life wherever they go."

"I appreciate that you and Momma understand. There is an anger inside of me that will not generate peace. The evil that people do to each other in the name of who is right, and who is wrong does not ease my soul. It is confusing that there is a choice. Yes, I was responsible for four hundred plus people being released. As we were sifting through the enemies' personal items, it became clear that I was guilty for hundreds of fathers and sons not being able to return home to their families and wives. Is there a greater good?"

Tears rolled down my man's face. He is a man of peace who wants all sides to be free of pain and realizes that it is impossible to obtain his kind of resolution where everyone wins. That is what makes him a distinguished commander and a heroic man.

The Change

He produced a glowing, nearly menacing, smirk comparable to the one Son of Dog exhibits when he has done something inappropriate. I was pulled into his arms and spoiled with a dozen adoring kisses.

"There are more appropriate issues to consider. Our wedding is just a couple of days from now. Chris and Baxter are taking me out tonight, and your sisters have plans for you."

We were slowly dancing to Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender" on the radio. Tension dispersed from us. Our heads were on each other's shoulders and blissful thoughts saturated us. Momma, little Jimmy and Son of Dog entered the living room.

Jimmy said, "Momma they're doing that mushy stuff again."

I said, "In six years you'll be doing mushy stuff."

"She's talking weird again."

"When people get married, they speak weirdly." I comprehended it was awkward. We were looking with desire, and not as brother and sister. I wanted to be his woman in a craving manner. The man in him was totally unique. He posed before me as a highly admired stature of Super Man and Atlas combined. I had lust for him, and I could tell by his composure there was more than love for me. There was no shame, but only a deep seeded hunger.

Perspiration erupted like lava at the peak of a volcano. We were branding the other with our love. Momma said, "It is time for you two to go to your rooms to take a cold shower,"

Jimmy blurted, "Mom are they on fire?"

"You'll understand when you get older."

"OOH Mom!" He and Son of Dog went outside with strange looks on their faces. Both were quietly garbling, grunting and growling as they disappeared.

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