Shelly - Bring it On Part 14b

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Shelly – Bring it On

Brit said, "Sergeant Major Martin can you pick out the two toughest fighters from each flight?"

"Yes Sir!" The Sergeant Major had eight of the burliest and meanest men in the squadron standing before him.

"Major Pudd Fi do you agree that these ladies are the most dangerous warriors you have?" My heart was sinking! The trembling increased.

"I am sorry, but YES SIR!"

"Do you think it would be fair of me to whip the behind of one of these pitiful scrawny little girls?" My man must be crazy. You could see the anger on their faces.

"NO SIR, it would not be fair!"

"Major, do we have a fighting ring close?"

"Fifty feet to your left."

"Alright girls, let's move to the ring." The heat was fuming from their eyes. Brit was almost dosing and yawning.

He looked at the group of eight, and said, "Which two of you would like to bash in my head?" All eight raised their hands.

"Well since you cannot make up your little minds, I want the first four on the left to get in the ring with me." They did. I thought I was going to faint.

"Sergeant Major, these four look like elementary school children to me. Can you give them some long knives to defend themselves?"

"YES SIR!" He handed each one a weapon."

"Fellows, try to kill me after the count of three with your hands or using your knives. You can count to three, can't you?"

The sergeant counted one, two, three. All four rushed toward him ready to stab him to death. I could not move. I wanted to look away, but my body was locked. I was about to scream.

Brit did a double flip and kicked the knife out of one of the assailant's hand who was attempting to power punch him in the head. The man floated to the floor and laid still. My man flipped again kicking the knives out of the other three hands. He twirled and popped each one in the gut. Lastly, he kicked the trio in their groins. All four were lying on the floor groaning. He looked at the other four saying, "The choice is yours. You can sit down or join me in the ring.

"Sergeant, can you tell these men what they did wrong?"

"Yes Sir! First, they assumed that you were very young for a Lt Colonel, and didn't know your way around killers like them.

Next, they went into the ring angry, and lost sight of all the rules that they had been taught.

Lastly, they have not taken their FF training seriously."

"Major tell them who I am in the fighting world, and what I expect of them."

"YES SIR! Gentlemen, let me introduce SMOOTH THUNDER the meanest and nastiest fighter in the world. He is Grand Master of FF and Champion of the World. What he wants is mild mannered ruthless fighters that do not lose their composure during battle. He has been in the war. The scar on his head is where a teen-age sniper shot him after the colonel killed two dozen enemy soldiers with his hands. Sergeant Major Martin was by his side."

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