On the Lighter Side Part 18b

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On the Lighter Side

The matter was turned over to the Royal Thai Intelligence Agency. They followed a lead and the perpetrators were caught and are imprisoned.

Little Brit likes going to Rufus Olander's farm and feeding the catfish. He goes with his uncle Jimmy who is like a big brother! Both Song Brit and Grandma Yai Yeem are learning to read, write and speak correct Thai and English from Sy La Maaw (สายลมอ่อน – Reluctant Bride) - Ling Noy's mother.

I walked in while Grandma Yai Yeem was listening to the U.S. American radio station out of Chicago during Elvis Presley hour. She was screaming "Jailhouse Rock". She was having a hard time with her 'r.'It sounds like an 'l' or Jailhouse 'Lock.' Son of Dog and little Brit were howling along with her with big grins spread across their faces.

The trio was profusely funny. I was laughing so hard that I saw stars. The three of them looked at me like I was crazy. Grandma said, "We learn English together listening to the radio. Son of Dog already knows English and howls if we be 'r'light.

"Love Me Tender" was next. It sounded like "Love Me Tindelll". I know it will get better as Son of Dog tutors them. When Brit, Song Brit, Grandma and Son of Dog are together, the four of them have the same belly chuckle with similar expressions on their faces.

The Dark Truth

Brit came back from a secret rescue mission. He never tells anyone where he has been, but he knows that the women survivors turned over to the Garment Co-op tell us everything. The mission from yesterday was here in Chiang Mai. Twenty girls were rescued.

Girls and women were liberated from the Pink Handkerchief Gang who had kidnapped them from northern and northeastern Thailand. The females had been abused without mercy. Many had been killed, because they refused the advances of the criminals.

The Pink Handkerchief Gang are mostly Chinese crooks who have infiltrated Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Their distinct uniform is a black suit with a pink handkerchief protruding from the front pocket of the coat. They are evil and depraved. Most of them are former Meows.

Brit hopes we will spot Chinese villains at the border in order not to have problems later. There has been some hand to hand fighting. However, most of the skirmishes have ended with M-16 rifles and 1964 handguns.

Shadows of ShellyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora