Brit - Wholeness Part 31b

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Brit - Wholeness

My worries about you were misplaced."

"At first, I felt sorry about myself before it let me realize that happiness comes in many ways. I am blessed with a wonderful wife and a village that loves me. If that is all that I have, it would be wonderful."

"That pleases me."

Anna told Shelly, "I am lucky to be married to a great man. He cares about others more than himself. The products he designs permits individuals to break the limitation that kept them in bondage. He seizes the stature of strength like a hero, yet his wants and needs are simple."

"Both of us are blessed to be married to such men."

"Anna shared with Shelly that when Steven last went to the United States, he visited her parents.

"Why Would he do that?"

"I guess he wanted to shame them for the way they treated me."

"Did it work?"

"Maybe, they visited us a few months ago and apologized, saying how sorry they were for judging me. Evidently, before confronting them, he went by and talked with their pastor who suggested that he proceed with Steve on the drop-in.

The pastor talked about forgiveness and love, and inquired, 'What would Jesus do?'"

"What do you mean pastor?"

"Wouldn't he tell us that is not us, but God does the judging, and we are called to forgive others as God forgives us through Jesus."

Steve told them, "Your daughter did not choose to be molested. In fact, she fought it, and was beaten to the point that she almost died."

"How do you know this?"

"Because I was the one who picked up her lifeless body and carried her to the hospital where they brought your daughter back to life. You almost killed her again when you called her a harlot. Let me tell you she is God's child, and she is as pure as the day she was born. Jesus loves her and died on the cross for her. He healed your beautiful daughter so she can be a witness to his love."

The pastor said, "AMEN Brother Odell."

Steve told me, "Your parents got down on their knees sobbing, and prayed, 'Jesus forgive us...!'

He went down on his knees new brace and all and prayed with them, "Father God sometimes we make horrible errors in judging others, We know you forgive us through Jesus name. Amen.

"Your parents repeated, Amen. When I left, they were calling me Brother Odell. They invited me to stay for supper, I told them I would love to, but I had a flight to catch back to Thailand. However, I did tell them that you and I loved them and that they were welcomed in our home."

Shelly said, "They visited you and apologized."

"Five days later they were knocking on our door. I was putting up green beans the way Momma taught me. She started helping. Daddy went to assist Steve pick cucumbers from the garden. They stayed three days and promised to come back later for a longer time.

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