Shelly - The Answer Part 12

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Shelly – The Answer

At first thought Brit's proposal was weird, but further reflection tells me he was being honest. He does not want me to get vested in a relationship that I will come to hate. My heart mellowed. A relaxation flooded my body.

I am at the dining room table waiting for Mom and three of my aunts. Really, they are Momma's cousins. Because of the age difference my sisters, Jimmy, Brit and I called them our aunts. They are seers, where they have visions of the future and past. Some of their apparitions are wonderful, and others are awful. Maybe they will help me understand my future with Brit!

All four of them have husbands who either are or were professional fighters and Air Force rescuers. Aunt Dawkmymy's daddy was a World Champion Grand Master of Muay Thai (Thai Boxing.). All four of the husbands are former Grand Champions of the Fraternal Fear (FF.) They practice both the professional and the lethal version of FF. The Society is a merger of Kick Boxing and Judo and has an ancient history in oriental marshal arts used in combat.

The women's version is designed for protective and personal defense. I am rated Number three in the Amateur Women's Division of FF.

My little brother Jimmy (James Matthew, Jr.) burst into the room. He and Son of Dog were playing tag! They stop, and their gaze froze on me. He said, "Sis, I dreamed about you and Brit getting married last night. Both of you got old and began to hug and kiss like you were young with big smiles on your face." Son of Dog was nodding his head up and down with a growling laugh.

It was the same dream I woke to at about two in the morning. The big red numbers were glaring at me from the clock on the dresser. Right after his declaration Mom and her cousins entered the room with big grins on their faces.

Aunt Nang Chom giggled the word, "Congratulations! Brit proposed and you're afraid he will die. Each of us had a vision last night that you and Brit got married. Fifty years from now you were celebrating your Golden Anniversary.

You and Brit were in your seventies and your young brother was in his sixties giving you a tribute. It took place at the church in the fellowship hall Then both of you began hugging and kissing. The calendar on the wall read 2018. Brit fit into his General's uniform and you were proud to wear your wedding dress. Your five children and fifteen grandchildren were rooting for you. Though you were older, both of your athletic appearances were evident.

Our revelation disclosed that your love increased, and the bliss in you had never died. Each of your children said that they wished to have the kindhearted love that you two have. The answer to your doubts are yes you and Brit are made for each other, and our confirmation is why wait any longer?"

"Wow, I never expected that to happen."

Momma said, "You need to tell Brit YES! Let's get started on the details."

At that time Brit came into the dining room saying, "I had to stop Jimmy and Son of Dog from wrestling in the living room and rushed them outside." All of us ladies laughed. Momma and the rest hugged him and congratulated him on our wedding and wished us the best!

I told him the details of my dream and their vision. He said, "That's strange, about two A.M. I had the same dream." He dropped down on one knee while pulling a little blue box from his pocket, opened it, and said, "Shelly will you give me the honor of being my wife?" Words were not coming from my mouth. I nodded my head. Aunt Nang Chom said, "Both of you need a whipping for waiting so long."

Roars of laughing filled the room. Jimmy and Son of Dog joined the joy. Brit's best buddy wagged his tail and licked him in the face.

He said he called General Green and informed him of his decision to do the rescue work and to get married. "I expect an invitation to the wedding."

"Yes Sir!"

"I would like to talk to you, your Dad and Uncles about a suggestion I would like to propose. I cannot disclose it now. It will take a couple of weeks to complete my thoughts."

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