Brit - The Question Part 11c

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Brit – The Question

"I took a long time forgiving you, and I regret that. It hurts me that I was so stubborn. I was the cause of much of your agony. Love is not suppose to work that way."

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"It is just a feeling. I do not know if the Air Force will let me stay in because of my disability. I hope to recover completely. My thinking process is not functioning."

"What else?"

"Even if I remain in the Air Force, I may want to continue in the area of rescue! When we freed the one-hundred-fifty-one people, there was a feeling of completeness leading to satisfaction. It changed my life. I cannot explain it, but I know it is real. I talked with Daddy. He said, "Follow your heart."

"What does all of this mean?"

"It means I love you, want to marry you, and spend my life with you, but will you be happy if I change the direction of my career? I want to remain in the Air Force, and rescue people who need my help."

"You know that I am a member of the Society of Respected Mothers Garden Club. What we do is help those that you salvage to be stronger economically, emotionally, and physically. Momma and Daddy work as a team similar to Uncle Jerry and Aunt Nang Chom and others in the community. It is respected work. My only fear is that you will be killed."

"That could happen anywhere at anytime. There are thousands of dangers people confront every day, but only a few that give the personal satisfaction of saving a life. I am not a hero, but I believe the Good Lord above is giving me a calling to help people with my skills and knowledge."

"Even if it means dying. You were almost killed!"

"You are correct, but I was spared for a reason! Yes, I have skills like developing new frying pans, or I can prevent people from being killed. I do not like war, but someone has to stand up for those who cannot help themselves. Too many gentle loving families are being slaughtered because they are peace loving.

I can lay back, and say it is someone else's job. My job at the Academy is important, but others can do the work. It is running fine without me. It is not the fault of soldiers on either side. The criminals and profiteers cause the pain and confusion. Human bondage is the result. Cruelty and modern-day slavery have no place in the world!

"May I have time to think about what you are proposing?"

"Yes mam, by all means. Just remember, I love you. I need your .support! If you back me, I want to get married soon. If not, that is okay! I will love you in any case."

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