Brit - The Alliance Part 13a

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Brit – The Alliance

The doctors have released me. They thought that it would take longer to heal and get back in shape. I started walking an hour in the morning with a cane. Then I dropped the cane and went to jogging. I run in the morning and in the evening for an hour each. The huffing and shortness of breath have ceased. John and Jerry Lee help me practice FF techniques two hours a day.

General Green and his wife visited me in Chiang Mai. They were astonished at my ability. Several of my former students have gone on to obtain graduate degrees in aeronautical engineering and were preparing to teach my classes.

My two former graduate assistants had received their doctorates. The two of them formed the in Chiang Mai with several branches scattered throughout Issan.

They had created a brain-trust of like-minded individuals and financial supporters. These backers meet once a week to study concepts of production and expansion of new and current industry in Thailand. The purpose is to increase opportunities for employment in the Northeastern section of Thailand known as Issan.

General Green offered my services to the group to help as chairperson and chief advisor. I would command a squadron of rescuers based in Chiang Mai. Additionally, my duties would require me to meet with the ICD think-tank half a day a week. The concept pleased me. This was something I could do! I could fulfill my calling in two ways. He said, "Contemplate it for a couple of weeks. Talk it over with Shelly, your Dad and uncles."

The General did meet with my family and me. He explained in detail my duties. His wife met with Shelly and Malsa at the Regal Garment Co-op and ordered several dresses to take back to the United States.

Shelly liked the idea of me remaining in Chiang Mai. The rest of my family approved the notion. Later, I was in the living room, and Momma and Shelly were talking in the kitchen. I did not overhear part of their conversation intentionally.

Shelly said, "I realize that what we heard and saw in our visions are true, but I still have reservations about Brit's work in and around war."

"Your aunts and I hate that our men work in areas of battle. None of them are advocates of warfare. However, as rescuers, their jobs are more dangerous than the ones firing weapons. Their courage is needed to save lives of innocent people. I understand your concerns. None of them would call themselves heroes, but they are like the great men of history. They are willing to give their lives so you, me and our children will be able to walk in Chiang Mai without fear."

"And we just grin and keep the worries to ourselves?"

"No, to keep them from doing their chosen work would cause a tension that would eventually lead to divorce. What we need to do is love them in all that they do or lose them.

Brit is a special man. You helped make him who he is. Be proud that he is yours. There are thousands of women out there who would take him to be theirs without second thought. Not only is he saving lives, but also he is saving the economy of our countries."

I walked into the kitchen, and asked, "Are you two talking about me?"

Shelly answered, "Yes, we were listing your assets around children and Son of Dog. Momma pointed out that you would be a wonderful daddy!"

I laughed because things were great. Idid not hurt. My energy level returned. It seems as if the joy of life has resumed.The happiness as well as the turmoil of the last few years have presented mewith the greatest of choices. Best of all, Shelly was mine to love.    

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