Brit - The Way Part 29b

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Brit – The Way

People are giving me more credit than I deserve. I had a few ideas, but Steve, My Quam Suk, Laam Kaa and the team at the Institute of Concept and Design (ICD) did the major part in getting Bio-Medical Products started. I presented the idea to Mothers of the Cradle. They funded the start-up of the company, and Steve manages it.

Many of the products they tested failed to produce the desired results. Steve was motivated to encourage ICD to look at alternatives. The electrical braces took thirty-eight failures before one design worked. Adults and children world-wide are benefiting from its use.

With the development of Nickel Metal Hydride and Lithium-ions came the ability to create rechargeable thin flat batteries that provided the power of dreams. Commercial research proved to be exciting. Light overcomes darkness, mobility defeats the inability to move and hope provides those disabled to overcome the power of doom.

These little bolts of energy directed to the right spots create euphoria. It brings smiles to our lips, and peace to our minds. Pain is absent. The leg and foot moves with our thoughts. The rhythm is like sensual music with which a ballerina moves.

All I said is, "We need to direct some kind of sensors to stimulate your right leg." Steve's bio-engineering training went to work collaborating with the ICD team. They developed a light-weight brace to stimulate his leg to step while support is maintained. The invention brought life to his leg, but it produced the urgency to exercise his leg and foot more than the rest of his body.

A calmness forced him to see possibilities that had been hidden. Many hours of study expanded his thoughts to investigate options that led him to triumph. He became more than his former self.

He walked tall with a swagger. He began to recognize competence in every individual he met. Caring for others pushed him to work harder and smarter. People from strong diversified groups were drawn to him and were amazed by his humbleness. His skill as an industrial genius became apparent.

Many of his employees were disabled veterans who assisted in developing products for others like themselves. The military that rejected him turned out to be one of his largest customers.

Anna never saw him as handicapped. Her admiration of his work inspired him to search for other methods to acquire a better life. He provided jobs and specialized training to improve their employability, or to create their own businesses.

Anna and Steve's love for each other strengthened. Each night grew to be a tender experience of intensified passion. He thought about working less so he could be with Anna and help on the farm. Then he thought that it would not create a good impression for his personnel.

Numerous employees labored for him during the day and farmed in the evening. He went to a four day, eight hours a day work week with the same pay. Production increased by twenty-five percent. It gave him freedom to admire Anna an additional day and be present in the village.

The community expanded from within as kids turned into adults, married and had babies. Steven purchased vacant land that had never been worked, bringing the farming area to sixty-four hectares or four rai. He bought two more tractors. Each family unit was responsible for two hectares or five acres. Either the husband or wife from each family were selected to use a tractor, three days a month for tilling, ploughing, planting and some harvesting.

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