The Call - My Quam Suk Missing Part 22b

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The Call – My Quam Suk Missing

My Quam Suk and Laam Kaa were coming out of a Thai restaurant between the new steel mill complex and Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base. They were approaching a bright pink rot song thouw (combination of a small truck and a minibus.) Two men who were wearing black suits pulled My Quam Suk into the vehicle leaving Laam Kaa standing on the side of the road.

One of the men yelled, "One million Baht and we no kill her."

Laam Kaa reported the incident to the local police and called me. Ten minutes later Baxter, Chris and I were on our way with an eighteen man rescue team. We were flying a C-130JX8. Thirty minutes later we landed at Korat. The Royal Intelligence Agency greeted us and reported that a pink rot song thouw was seen entering a warehouse near the base.

The noise from the base muffled our vehicles approaching the storage building. The Air Police stated that at least thirty men were in the structure and a woman was tied to a chair.

The men inside were clustered about thirty feet away from the woman. One man was near the woman with a mop stick in his hand which he was using to lift her skirt. He laid the staff on the floor and began to unbuckle his belt. Before he could unzip his pants, a shot echoed throughout the building. The man grabbed his head and collapsed to the floor. The group to the side froze for three seconds.

Intelligence agents started firing. My men joined in. Sixty seconds later the Pink Handkerchief Gang were clumped on the concrete floor. Another five men at the end of the building were attempting to escape. The Air Police SWAT team apprehended them.

The senior Thai agent was questioning two of the men. One detainee became belligerent. He raised his hand as if he was going to strike the agent. Two others shot him. Baxter and Chris untied . She hugged me and thanked me.

I said, "The Royal Thai Intelligence and the U.S. Air Police had it under control before we arrived."

"What matters is that you came. The last man killed was the CEO of the Steel Mill. He had been stealing money from the firm. That is why Laam Kaa and I were here. He must have suspected that we were suspicious of him. They were planning to kill me. The gangsters were ready to abuse me before I was murdered. From what I heard he was the leader of the Pink Handkerchief Gang in the Korat area."

Before I arrived home, Laam Kaa had called Shelly and informed her what happened. The next Thursday at our regular meeting there was a large cake with the words "Thank You" in the middle. Song Brit, Yai Yeem and the team that went to Korat were there. After congratulations we were acknowledged on how we saved My Quam Suk. I was invited to speak. I stood there unable to say a word. Mrs. Green spoke, "We love you!"

Shelly said, "He is just a big teddy bear."

I thought, "God, I'm blessed."

Little Brit hugged my leg and said, "My Daddy's a hero!"

I finally said, "I am no hero - just doing my job."

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