Shelly - The Fire Rages Part 16b

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Shelly – The Fire Rages

Feelings of boldness swept across my body as the cool water bitterly splattered. No man has shaken me to the core like Brit. Was this the consuming side of adoration? There is no control only a longing that occurs.

Mother and Daddy assured me that every loving couple has the explosive experience at some point. It is an assurance that love has been there all the time. It is okay to get excited about your life partner. Your behaviors are totally different than before in your relationship.

Daddy said, "Be happy and enjoy what God has created in us. It is the quest that the romance novels search to fulfill. It is exciting and intimidating at the same time."

The Celebration

The bachelor party was not a party in the traditional sense. Chris, Baxter and Brit were not drinkers. They went to the Officers' Club where they had steak and shrimp dinners. The drink was Royal Crown Colas. It cost a dime a bottle. Additionally, with him were Karl Kaminsky and Jonathan Jacobs, two pilots, in his squadron. Both were to be groomsmen at our wedding.

Karl is going to escort Lilian (Lilly) Crossman, the second bridesmaid, down the aisle. He had been dating her for several months. Jonathan had the job of accompanying Leanna Olander as third bridesmaid.

Karl suggested that after dinner they try out Tingkee Ice Cream Shoppe. It is one of Lilly's favorite places to go. He said they have a fantastic flavor called Orange Cream. They sell it by the scoop or in molds shaped like elephants. Tonight is talent night. People like the atmosphere.

A woman in her early twenties was singing love ballads. I was a kid the last time in the parlor. It is more than twice the size with a band stand and dance area. Major Pudd Fi was at a table with his wife and children. A few minutes after the men were seated my maid of honor and bridesmaids came in with me. There was a glow about all five of us.

Lilly went over to Pudd Fi and swung her arms around his neck and said, "Uncle Doug it has been a long time. Little Pudd Fi is not so little anymore. I see he has a little brother and sister. They are my cousins. I want to see them more often."

"Is it alright with your Mom and Dad?

"Sure, it is! We love you and your family. The past is behind us. We need to see you more often. Granny and Pappy would go wild over your children. Sunday after the wedding come over with the kids and they can feed the catfish. Granny will make mango cobbler and homemade ice cream. This is the best ice cream shop in Thailand, but Granny's is better."

"Okay we will be there. You are fairly persistent."

After the encounter, Pudd Fi and Brit were in the restroom washing stickiness from their hands. He asked, "What's up with Lilly and you? She called you uncle Doug."

He gave him a summary of his previous life as a murderer and fugitive ending with, "Most people think I am Thai because of my dark tan and speaking Thai like a native. I am the product of the RTFLG. This is my home. My sister and brother-in-law have suffered a lot of hurts because of me. I try not to bother them. I am ashamed of who I was."

"You have redeemed yourself. It seems like they have forgiven you. I know it is hard to forgive yourself, but you need to embrace your parents and let them hug their grandkids."

"Thank you for not looking at me like I am a monster."

"Who am I to judge? I have made some grave errors in my opinion of the greatest woman on the face of the earth. Her forgiveness is more precious than gold. If your parents are willing, let them love you."

When Brit sat next to me he looked at me like I was more delicious than the ice cream he had just finished. He was blue but not distraught. He said he was just thinking about how good we were for each other. I knew in my heart that he was correct.

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