Brit - A Wounded Friend Part 27c

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Brit – A Wounded Friend

Within minutes we were re-enforced with two hundred Royal Thai Army (RTA) soldiers. The eighteen of us left charged the enemy along side the RTA. Their Brigade Commander, my friend General Pudd Fi said, "We killed a hundred sixty of these bx&**!!ds. The Muslim village is safe.

My new friend Steve was wounded. One of our helicopters flew him along with the other injured men to the Chiang Mai University Hospital. Upon landing at our base Baxter said, "Come with me. You and I are going to Anna's dressmaking shop. A hush surrounded us as we journeyed to her place of business. She saw us approaching from the street. While we were stepping into the shop she began crying and uttered, "He is dead!"

Baxter said, "No, but he is hurt. We do not know to what extent. It looks bad. He has been taken to the hospital three blocks from here. Close up your shop and go with us."

At the medical facility the admitting nurse said "He is in surgery. The doctor indicated that it might take several hours before he could tell us anything." Baxter and I waited with Anna. Five minutes later Barbara and Shelly joined us.

"How did you know?"

"Your command clerk called and told us that you and Major Silverman would be here with Anna. How is Steven?"

"He's in surgery. It may be hours before we learn the extent of damage."

Two and a half hours later the nurse informed us that he survived. Seven bullets were removed from him. She said, "The doctor wants to talk with the family." Anna started crying again.

Twenty minutes later Dr. Puanteedee (เพื่อนที่ดี meaning 'a good friend') Stover, Chief of Neurological Surgery, came and expressed her opinion. "Seven bullets were removed from Lieutenant Odell. He will recover from five of the shots very quickly. One settled near his spine. We had to operate from the rear in order to prevent major damage to his spinal cord. The bullet removed from his right leg may have severed a nerve. It will be a few days before we will be able to tell the long-term effects from either of these two injuries."

She paused and looked at Anna with a sternness and said, "My husband, General William Stover, is an U.S. Air Force surgical brain and nerve specialist. I will consult with him on the prognosis of recovery. We will inform you of the slightest change in Lt. Odell."

Baxter said, "Your husband is considered the best nerve expert in the world."

A jolt fluttered through Anna. She wanted to believe everything would be okay. Her breathing became heavy. A shine burst forth from her face. Conversation gushed from her lips. Her hands clutched around the arms of the chair. She savored every word from the waiting area.

"When can I see him?"

"In a few minutes in the intensive care area, but do not be alarmed. He is tied down to the bed to keep him from moving. He will be groggy and probably not be aware of what is occurring. It may be twenty-four hours to several days before he realizes where he is. You and two others may sit with him. Hold his hand and talk to him with comforting words. Tell him you love him. The nurses have moved a bed next to him for your use. There is a private shower and restroom for you. Your meals will be served three times a day and the nurses will bring drinks and snacks at your request."

Shelly asked, "What kinds of snacks and drinks?"

"Fresh fruit and nuts. The drinks are fresh fruit smoothies. The highest calorie snack is vanilla ice cream. Her friends can bring her anything she wants to eat."

Anna asked, "Why is he tied to the bed?"

"At this time, it is impossible to determine the amount of harm to the spine or leg. We hope it is minimal. Movement might hurt him. I promise he will receive the care vital to his healing."

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