unspoken love between us

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there is something out there,
out there in between us,
there, in the distant land,
in front of the blinding sun.
there! do you see it? something unattainable.
i can't reach it with my hands,
but i can stretch farther than you.
i can't touch it just yet,
but i'll be able to soon.
and when i do, please remember
how it felt to have me in your head.
please remind all your body parts
that i was the one.
that i was the one you thought of
when loneliness consumed you.
but if you touch it first,
i will account for the heartbreak myself.
i will take the fall and the blame
and i will take it with a smile.
i will admit that i love you,
and all of your disguises.
because out there,
in the distance, unattainable,
untouchable love sits.
unspoken love between us.
and who ever touches it first
will shatter the glass surrounding
our delicate bodies.
the need and the want to speak about it
grows greater and greater each day.
but it's unattainable, distant.
too out there to touch.


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