nothing to do but love you

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we both stand at the top of the steps,
in a turn of events,
i could push you.
but it's always you who does the pushing.
and it's always me who does the falling.
there is no turn of events,
so let there be love.
and when i hit the bottom,
i burst into a billion pieces,
but you don't come rushing right away.
in a turn of events you'd fall down the steps
too because you're so worried that i'd burst.
but there is no turn of events.
still, let there be love.
will you let there be love?
just this once,
can we stand together at the bottom,
hearts close and hands intertwined,
pretend that we both fell at the same time?
can we pretend that we both fell for each other at the same time?
can we let there be love, please?


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