Chapter Twenty-Four - Perfection

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So... I kind of hurt my back this week on Tuesday while I was on my Grade Eight end of the year trip... I fell down steel stairs and my back is bruised badly. :( I was so worried about it that I almost forgot to write.

I literally have an OBSESSION with this story. I think about it constantly.

And guys I am SOOOO happy now! :D At graduation they were handing out awards, and I got the CREATIVE WRITING AWARD. The principal said that it was because I had been writing stories ever since the first day of school, and that I was constantly showing my teachers parts of my writing. ^.^ YAY. I guess that I write more than I think I do. xD

And also another strange thing happened. o.O There's this guy in my class who was at Grad (lol of course he was at grad he was graduating too) and he's been trying to convince me (along with the rest of his friends) since the beginning of the grade eight trip that he likes me. I know him better than that though, I know he's just joking. It's kind of funny, actually. So anyway at the end of grad my friend and I got tired so we went outside. He screams "HEATHER" then ran over to me and his other friends were screaming too. xD LMAO. He kept following me and I kind of thought it was annoying so I just kept walking. So then he asks me why I was walking away and I kind of just said "I'm trying to get away from you". But he's not the kind of guy that gets fazed by a lot so he just kind of nodded. "You wanna walk away from me, baby?" He said so I just kinda kept walking again... xD So then we came back and he just kinda stared at me before screaming my name again and started walking to me. He actually knelt down, grabbed a flower from a potted plant, then went down on one knee and held the flower out to me. Of course, I knew he was kidding so kinda thought I would just push him over or something because that's what my friend told me to do but instead I kinda just ruffled his hair as I walked by and made him scream "SHE TOUCHED MY HAIR OMIGAWD SHE TOUCHED MY HAIR". xD He was so happy it was kinda creepy. So yeah. That happened. I dunno, he's really funny but he's also a good liar so meh. :P


AND. FINALLY. The song for this chapter is "Perfect" by Hedley. I dunno why, I just feel like it reminds me of Murphy and the way he feels about Eve. How he'll always stick around, whether she wants him or not.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Murphy pulled Eve's body closer to him, feeling near instant relief when he felt the engine of the truck revving beneath them.

Carson, Murphy, Eve, and one of the other guards were heading back to th ecamp with one of the trucks. They decided to make an exception in taking one of them becuase they both felt that she needed blood, and fast.

They had been driving for a few minutes when Carson reached over and violently shook Murphy's shoulder. "Look at her!"

Murphy stared down at Eve, confused for a moment as to what he was talking about.

"She's more pale than she was before. She's getting worse." He said grimly, frowning as he looked at her.

Murphy stayed silent for a moment.

"She needs a transfusion, and Jack isn't here." Carson said worriedly.

Murphy paused, an idea suddenly making its way into his mind. "What blood type is she?" He asked curiously.

"B Positive, I think."

"Well that's lucky." He said, sighing in relief.

"What? Why?"

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