Chapter 35

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"Key that day when Desire went in labor and she told me that Kima had been dealing with Aubrey since Take Care; something clicked. I started remembering events but not not as myself."

"I remembered catching him in Miami with Kima and I thought it was Desire. I felt the rage and the angry, but those weren't my feelings."

I felt myself slipping away. I was trying to hold on.

"Key please look after my son and Biz."

It went dark for me.


"Her son. I was post to be a mother. I was post to have children with Aubrey."

Shakeya held her son closer to her.

"Dawn why? Why did you shoot Aubrey?" she asked me.

"I loved him. I did everything I could to make him happy. All he did was cheat on me and lie to me."

She looked at me with sympathy. This was the same girl that attacked me at all star weekend.

"I was embarrassed. My friends thought I was stupid to think he was capable of love. Then he met Desire. I watched him love her and have kids with her. The life that I longed for with him."

I just started crying. "Visit is over." the guard said

I went back to my room and cried like I never have before. I missed Devon I wanted him here to comfort me.


This broke my heart. I hated to see Raven like this.

I know I couldn't stand the bitch at first, but she grew on me. To see her now battling with Dawn, I understand why Desire became her friend.

She doesn't have anyone, but the other person inside of her. I had to find away to get her out of here.

As I was leaving I decided to go and check on Aubrey.

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