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PoV: Jimin
Okay, I really should change the topic or do something, cuz this situation feels more than uncomfortable.

"Okay! Let's play the question game..!" I say motivated and grin, trying to not look nervous af.

Yoongi tilts his head with a confused expression.

"You don't know that? Well uh... I ask you a question which you have to answer and then you ask me something. It's an unlimited game!"

Yoongi raises an eyebrow. "Soo.. Basically we just ask each other questions and that's it ?" he asks.

I think for a second before I agree and nod.

"For real?" he asks kinda annoyed.
I nod again.

"Jimin, that is boring."


"You think so?" I end up asking. Somebody please slap me.

"It's okay, let's do it" Yoongi sighs and changes his sitting position.


"Okay, min yoongi! How are you feeling right now??" That was my first question and yes I know it's a lame one but at least it was enough to make appear a light smile on Yoongi's face.

"I'm.. good" He smiles and rolls his eyes at the same time. I chuckle and give him a sign to ask the next question.

He is quiet and thinks for a while, staring at me.

"Well Park Jimin, and how are you doing so far?"
"Pretty good" I reply with a cheesy smile. This boy..

"Simple next question. How old are you? I'm 17 as a side fact."

"19." The mint haired guy answeres.

Excuse me ? I think I misunderstood something.

"Sorry, what? I didn't heard that" I chuckle embarrassed.

"Nine-Teen." Yoongi says louder with a clear voice.

Okay what? Is he already lying or am I just dumb? Yoongi can't be older than me, I'm sure about that. He looks way younger than 16 actually.

"You're joking.. right? Lying is not allowed, haha.."

"Oh, you think I'm lying? How friendly.." Yoongi says with an annoyed tone.
"I was born in 1998." he adds.

"Holy fu-... Seriously?!" I ask shocked.


Oh my.. I start to feel so bad for the way I was talking infront of him. God, I'm embarrassed..

"Y-Yoongi.. I'm sorry, I didn't know- Holy shit.. Sorry, I was talking so low and disrespectful.. Usually I'm not that impolite, I swear" My face is probably red like a tomato. This is really awkward..

"Yeah, you better feel bad." Comes from his side.

"I'M SO SORRY, YOONGI HYUNG! FORGIVE MY SINS" I shout overdramatic, on purpose of course.


PoV: Yoongi
At this point I just start laughing and turn around To hide my face.

"I'm.. I'm joking! Don't call me Hyung, it's totally fine" I chuckle as I try to controll myself. The way how dramatic Jimin just apologized was.. everything.

I hear that Jimin starts laughing too. "I was just being over dramatic.. But I really didn't expect you to be older than me in all seriousness. Thought you are 16 or even younger.." He says.

I calm down and look back at him. "I'm used to that kind of reaction when it comes to my age, don't worry" I smile awkwardly and look down.

"Welp, that's hot!" Comes from Jimin.

"Hm?" I look irritaded at him..

"Oh- Nothing,.. nevermind! Just kidding Just kidding..

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