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PoV: Jimin

"mhHhm.." The older grumbles tiredly as he rubs his face against my chest.

"Good morning!" I say happily, since I probably stared at him for two hours, waiting for his awakening.

Yoongi slurps and licks his dry lips, opening his eyes slowly.

"... mornin'~" he yawns before he looks at me.

"How are you feeling? Is everything alright?" I ask andc caress his cheek.

He nods.

"Yeah, of course. Why should-" Suddenly his eyes widden and his face turns all red.
Yoongi pulls the blanket over his fave in order to hide his redness.

"What? Just remember what happened last night?" I question with a grin.

He squeaks.

" embarrassingembarrassingembarrassing embarrassingembarrassing, so embarrassingembarrassingembarrassing"

I burst out in laughter as I hear how desperate he sounds about what happened.

"Hyyuung, it was not embarassing!" I giggle as I'm revealing his face.

"I-It was! Maybe n-n-n-n-not for you b-but for me..-oh my gooooddd.." He continues to whine about it.

At some point it makes me kinda sad, so I stop laughing and ask him seriously.

"You regret it then?"

"Wha- Of course not!.. That's not what I mean to say..." he answer.

"..Well, Yoongi did you actually enjoy it or did you just force yourself for me?" I ask.

"Jimin. That's not it, please don't think that..." He looks down.

"It was just... Painful only at the beginning! B-But at the end.. it was good." he says.

"I was just so exhausted, and- so.. I fell sleep quickly, I'm sorry" he adds in a sad tone.

The last part wasn't anything that I was concerned about, But I'm glad that he's being honest.

I sigh in reliefe and pull him into a hug.

"If that's the truth I'm really happy. You know I... I just don't want you to be hurt.."

"I already know that. It's all fine" Yoongi closes his eyes and snuggles into my chest.

I stroke his hair gently and smile to myself.

"Still sleepy?" I ask chuckling.

He just answers with quiet 'mhm' sound.

Guess I'm gonna stare at him for some more hours. <3


(weeks later)

PoV: Yoongi

"What's this?" I ask as Jimim is handing me a little black box.

"You birthday present, Hyung!" He says and grins.

"Huh?? You already said happy birthday, so why-... I mean, I don't need anything..!!" I say surprised and nervous at the same time.

"JUst open it already~" he hums, ignoring my words.

I take one more look at the box.

It has some cute white decorations on it and the quality feels expensive.. What the fuck is in there? @.@

"Don't wanna..." I mumble guilty
"I really don't need-"

"Hyung." Jimin interrupts me and makes a serious face.

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