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PoV: Jimin

"N-No Jimin, I'm serious at this- point"

I immediately come back to my senses as I realize that Yoongi was trying to push me away and obviously sounded scared.

"I'm sorry! A-Are you okay?? ..Sorry, for I moment I.." While I literally lost my mind I seemed to switched places with Yoongi, who was now laying defenseless under me.

"It's.. okay." he mumbles.
I move aside so he's able to sit up.

"No it's not, I'm sorry. I.. I should know your limits" I feel guilty as hell and hope that I didn't make him feel too uncomfortable.

"Really, it's f-fine! I overreacted, Jimin. It's fine, don't worry" Yoongi reaches for my shoulder and comforts me.

I think I scared myself more than I did Yoongi.

"But.. I know your triggers and.. what if I would have went too far ?"

"I'd forgive you, it's okay Calm down" He pets me and smiles slightly.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just really afraid of hurting you.. Or not being able to protect you.."

He then just stares at me and stays quiet.

An awkward silence.

"Tea... I-I'm gonna make us some tea, sorry!" I say to change the subject and leave the room afterwards, heading downstairs to the kitchen.


While I am struggling between earl grey and darjeeling, Yoongi enters the kitchen and stands on the threshold.

He looks at me with sad eyes, that give me the urge to just protect him forever.

"What's wrong..?" I ask.

Yoongi hesitates.

" I destroyed the mood.. And I'm sorry, don't be so distant now.." he replies very quiet.

"Distant? I am not..-"

"One minute ago you left with the words 'im gonna make us some tea', Jimin. That is not normal and it makes me feel... Like you're getting tired of me.. and try to avoid me.." he explains before looking down.

"Oh no, Yoongi. Please don't think that. I'd never leave you behind or get tired of you" I walk over to him and hug him gently.

"mhm" he sighs against my chest and puts his arms around me.



"You're hard" he says.



".... Yeah, I'm gonna fix that" I reply embarrassed.

"Should I help?" he suddenly giggles.

I almost choke.

"H-Hell no! Go back to my room, I'll be back in a minute.. Maybe in five." I pull him away from me and point at the stairs.

His suggestion really surprised me.
But it was probably just a joke anyway, whew.

"Sorry.." He says a bit guilty before going upstairs.

His apology was unnecessary.


PoV: Yoongi

While Jimin stays downstairs - probably in the bathroom - I use the chance to steal one of his shirts and put it in immediately.

"..Are you alright?" I ask as he comes back and sits down on the bed next to me.

"Yeeah, no worries~" he hums.

So he jerked off, hm.

I really felt bad for reacting like that. But as soon as he started unzipping my pants, panic got into me and I just ended it..

"Yoongi, why are you wearing that?" Jimin notices that I'm wearing his shirt.

"Why not? Is it a problem?"

"It is. It's too adorable on you" he replies.

I expected that kind of answer but it still makes me very happy and probably blush.

"But it's comfy~" I pout teasingly.

"... Hyung stop. because of you I'm gonna go crazy" he sighs and looks away.

"... Huh?"

"I mean. You're just such a tease." he says.

I don't understand..


"Nobody could hold themself back like I do right now." he adds.

I frown.

"..Like my father ?" I question.

"Wha- No! That's not what I meant!" He turns around and faces me.

"Why.. Why are you saying that? I don't understand, Jimin.. My father did all those things to me and I never - I never purposely t-teased-"
Before I was about to get a panic attack, Jimin pulls me into his arms and shuts my mouth.

"You don't understand. That's correct and that's totally fine. .. You're just misunderstanding something... But that's okay, please just don't think about it. Okay? Please don't, Yoongi. Think of something nice" He caresses my back and hugs me carefully.

Calm down, Yoongi. Calm your fucking heartbeat and breath.

"Jimin.. I- I'm sorry.." I sob.

"No no no. Yoongi, keep that shirt, it's not a problem okay? I talked too much, that's all. You don't need to feel sorry.'

"But I-"


It's my fault. I don't know what I misunderstood, but I clearly did. I can't think straight..

"Wow.. The mood today is really on it's period, huh?" Jimin says after a while.

For some reason I start laughing and agree.

It's true. First I was mad at Jimin because he thought I'm not the murderer of my brother. I ran away and got beaten up. Then we reconciled and started making out. Then I paniced. Then again we were joking for a while. And at the end I paniced again. Now that I think about it, it's all my fault.
I'm emptionally a piece of shit and I can't help it.. It sucks balls.

"You're right.. Let's forget about that, okay? This day was just a mess" I hush and look at the younger.




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